NSA Utah Data Center (US)

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Date Source Title Tags
20140204 spiegel.de Protest in den USA: Kritiker wollen der NSA das Wasser abdrehen NSA Utah Data Center (US)
20131203 usnews.com Some NSA Opponents Want to 'Nullify' Surveillance With State Law - Activists say legislation can cut water, kill snooping at Utah Data Center NSA Utah Data Center (US) / NSA
20131008 spiegel.de Panne im Überwachungszentrum: Stromschwankungen bringen NSA-Technik zum Schmelzen - Der US-Geheimdienst NSA kann sein neues, milliardenteures Rechenzentrum in Utah nicht in Betrieb nehmen. Laut "Wall Street Journal" gibt es massive technische Probleme: Immer wieder treten Stromschwankungen auf, die sogar Metall zum Schmelzen bringen. NSA Utah Data Center (US)
20131007 wsj.com Meltdowns Hobble NSA Data Center - Investigators Stumped by What's Causing Power Surges That Destroy Equipment NSA Utah Data Center (US)
20130926 sltrib.com Shhh … NSA’s Utah Data Center may be open already - Spy agency » Officials won’t say directly whether it’s up and running or not. NSA Utah Data Center (US)
20130712 ksl.com New Utah NSA center requires 1.7M gallons of water daily to operate NSA Utah Data Center (US)
20130614 guardian.co.uk Welcome to Utah, the NSA's desert home for eavesdropping on America - The NSA's new $1.7bn facility in the heart of Mormon country has the potential to snoop on US citizens for decades to come NSA / NSA Utah Data Center
20130610 washingtonpost.com Surveillance controversy illuminated by history US / NSA / AT&T / VERIZON / BELLSOUTH / FISA / NSA Utah Data Center (US)
20130607 businessinsider.com Here's The $2 Billion Facility Where The NSA Will Store And Analyze Your Communications NSA Utah Data Center
20130412 foxnews.com NSA data center front and center in debate over liberty, security and privacy NSA / NSA Utah Data Center
07.09.2012 publicintelligence.net Hitachi Press Release on NSA Utah Data Center Cable Purchases NSA / NSA Utah Data Center
02.09.2012 cryptome.org NSA Utah Data Center 2012 NSA / NSA Utah Data Center
20120505 cryptome.org National Security Agency Utah Data Center Images NSA / NSA Utah Data Center
20120328 foxnews.com NSA dismisses claims Utah Data Center watches average Americans NSA / NSA Utah Data Center
20120317 rt.com NSA Utah ‘Data Center’: Biggest-ever domestic spying lab? NSA / NSA Utah Data Center