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= Vendor Appearance =
= Vendor Appearance =
* 2013: [[HACKINGTEAM]] see securelist.com Report 20130425
= Articles / Events / Situations =
= Articles / Events / Situations =
== 2018 ==
|20180802||zerohegde.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-07-31/heres-chinas-secret-space-station-heart-argentinas-patagonia Meet China's "Secret" Space Control Listening Base In Argentina Now Alarming US Officials]||[[AR]] / [[CN]]
|20180728||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/28/world/americas/china-latin-america.html From a Space Station in Argentina, China Expands Its Reach in Latin America]||[[AR]] / [[CN]]
== 2015 ==
|20151124||cn.nytimes.com||[https://cn.nytimes.com/china/20151124/c24chinavpn/ 新疆警方关停VPN使用者手机服务]||[[CN]]
|20150922||theintercept.com||[https://theintercept.com/2015/09/22/china-pressures-u-s-companies-buckle-strong-encryption-surveillance/ China Pressures U.S. Companies to Buckle on Strong Encryption and Surveillance]||[[CN]] / [[US]]
|20150615||cntv.cn||[http://english.cntv.cn/2015/06/15/VIDE1434368521127195.shtml China: US owes explanation over surveillance scandal]||[[CN]] / [[US]]
|20150420||rt.com||[http://rt.com/news/251417-china-new-zealand-spying/ Beijing ‘extremely concerned’ over leaked New Zealand spying reports]||[[NZ]] / [[CN]]
|20150418||firstlook.org/theintercept||[https://firstlook.org/theintercept/2015/04/18/new-zealand-china-gcsb-nsa-auckland-hack/ New Zealand Plotted Hack on China With NSA]||[[NZ]] / [[CN]]
== 2014 ==
|20141011||firstlook.org||[https://firstlook.org/theintercept/2014/10/10/core-secrets/ CORE SECRETS: NSA SABOTEURS IN CHINA AND GERMANY]||[[NSA]] / [[CN]] / [[DE]]
|20140323||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/nsa-spionage-in-china-huawei-empoert-nach-snowden-enthuellung-a-960259.html Neue Snowden-Dokumente: Chinesischer Tech-Konzern Huawei verurteilt NSA-Spionage]||[[NSA]] / [[CN]] / [[HUAWEI]]
|20140323||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/nsa-us-geheimdienst-spaehte-chinas-netzwerkkonzern-huawei-aus-a-960176.html Huawei im NSA-Visier: Warum die USA Chinas Netzwerk-Giganten ausspähte]||[[NSA]] / [[CN]] / [[HUAWEI]]
|20140322||nytimes.com||[http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/23/world/asia/nsa-breached-chinese-servers-seen-as-spy-peril.html?_r=0 N.S.A. Breached Chinese Servers Seen as Security Threat]||[[NSA]] / [[CN]] / [[HUAWEI]]
|20140322||nzz.ch||[http://www.nzz.ch/aktuell/international/auslandnachrichten/weitere-enthuellungen-von-edward-snowden---chinesische-staatsfuehrung-ausspioniert-1.18268371 Weitere Enthüllungen Edward Snowdens: Chinesische Staatsführung ausspioniert]||[[NSA]] / [[CN]] / [[HUAWEI]]
|20140322||theguardian.com||[http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/mar/22/nsa-huawei-china-telecoms-times-spiegel NSA targeted Chinese telecoms giant Huawei – report]||[[HUAWEI]] / [[NSA]] / [[CN]]
|20140322||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/nsa-spied-on-chinese-government-and-networking-firm-huawei-a-960199.html Targeting Huawei: NSA Spied on Chinese Government and Networking Firm]||[[NSA]] / [[CN]] / [[HUAWEI]]
|20140322||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/spiegel-nsa-spioniert-chinesische-staatsfuehrung-und-huawei-aus-a-960151.html Snowden-Enthüllung: NSA spionierte Chinas Staatsführung und Konzerne aus]||[[NSA]] / [[CN]] / [[HUAWEI]]
== 2013 ==
|20130831||rt.com||[http://rt.com/usa/nsa-cyber-operations-classified-247/ Snowden leaks: NSA conducted 231 offensive cyber-ops in 2011, hailed as 'active defense]||[[US]] / [[NSA]] / [[IR]] / [[RU]] / [[CN]] / [[KP]] / [[TAO]] / [[GENIE]]
|20130830||washingtonpost.com||[http://articles.washingtonpost.com/2013-08-30/world/41620705_1_computer-worm-former-u-s-officials-obama-administration U.S. spy agencies mounted 231 offensive cyber-operations in 2011, documents show]||[[US]] / [[NSA]] / [[GENIE]] / [[TAO]] / [[IR]] / [[RU]] / [[CN]] / [[KP]] / [[AF]] / [[PK]] / [[YE]] / [[IQ]] / [[SO]]
|20130811||rt.com||[http://rt.com/news/nsa-priority-list-russia-351/ Russia among countries atop NSA surveillance priority list]||[[NSA]] / [[RU]] / [[CN]] / [[EU]] / [[IR]] / [[PK]] / [[KP]] / [[AF]]
|20130802||cryptome.org||[http://cryptome.org/2013/08/nsa-x-keyscore-servers.htm NSA X-KEYSCORE Server Sites]||[[XKEYSCORE]] / [[US]] / [[MX]] / [[HN]] / [[CR]] / [[PA]] / [[VE]] / [[CO]] / [[EC]] / [[BR]] / [[GB]] / [[FR]] / [[DE]] / [[AT]] / [[IT]] / [[ES]] / [[PL]] / [[BY]] / [[RU]] / [[RO]] / [[GR]] / [[CZ]] / [[DZ]] / [[MA]] / [[EG]] / [[SD]] / [[SO]] / [[CM]] / [[NA]] / [[ZW]] / [[SA]] / [[TR]] / [[IQ]] / [[KW]] / [[BH]] / [[QA]] / [[AE]] / [[UZ]] / [[KG]] / [[AF]] / [[PK]] / [[IN]] / [[JP]] / [[CN]] / [[PH]] / [[MM]] / [[TH]] / [[KH]] / [[MY]] / [[AU]] / [[NZ]]
|20130623||scmp.com||[http://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/1266821/us-hacks-chinese-mobile-phone-companies-steals-sms-data-edward-snowden EXCLUSIVE: US spies on Chinese mobile phone companies, steals SMS data: Edward Snowden]||[[US]] / [[NSA]] / [[CN]]
|20130623||scmp.com||[http://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/1266892/exclusive-nsa-targeted-chinas-tsinghua-university-extensive-hacking EXCLUSIVE: NSA targeted China's Tsinghua University in extensive hacking attacks, says Snowden]||[[US]] / [[NSA]] / [[CN]]
|20130622||guardian.co.uk||[http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jun/22/edward-snowden-us-china Snowden spy row grows as US is accused of hacking China - Whistleblower charged with espionage reportedly claims US authorities accessed millions of private text messages in China]||[[US]] / [[NSA]] / [[GCHQ]] / [[CN]]
|20130621||guardian.co.uk||[http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jun/21/spyware-planted-chen-guangcheng-nyu Spyware planted on Chen Guangcheng, NYU professor says: Latest twist in increasingly bitter claim and counter-claim over the Chinese activist's contacts in the US]||[[CN]]
|20130613||guardian.co.uk||[http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jun/13/snowden-revelations-nsa-china-relations Snowden revelations on NSA strain US-China relations, says Beijing: State-run China Daily points to countries' 'soured relationship' on cybersecurity and suggests huge surveillance net is unjustified]||[[US]] / [[NSA]] / [[CN]]
|20130520||washingtonpost.com||[http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/chinese-hackers-who-breached-google-gained-access-to-sensitive-data-us-officials-say/2013/05/20/51330428-be34-11e2-89c9-3be8095fe767_story.html National Security: Chinese hackers who breached Google gained access to sensitive data, U.S. officials say]||[[GOOGLE]] / [[CN]] / [[Lawful Interception]]
|20130425||securelist.com||[https://www.securelist.com/en/analysis/204792290/Spyware_HackingTeam Spyware. HackingTeam]||[[HACKINGTEAM]] / [[MX]] / [[IT]] / [[VN]] / [[AE]] / [[IQ]] / [[LB]] / [[MA]] / [[PA]] / [[TJ]] / [[IN]] / [[IR]] / [[SA]] / [[KR]] / [[ES]] / [[PL]] / [[TR]] / [[AR]] / [[CA]] / [[ML]] / [[OM]] / [[CN]] / [[US]] / [[KZ]] / [[EG]] / [[UA]] / [[UZ]] / [[CO]] / [[TW]] / [[BR]] / [[RU]] / [[KG]] / [[GB]] / [[BH]] / [[ET]] / [[ID]] / [[DE]] / [[LY]]
|20130308||netzpolitik.org||[https://netzpolitik.org/2013/microsoft-skype-liste-an-wortern-veroffentlicht-die-in-china-uberwacht-und-zensiert-werden/ Microsoft Skype: Liste an Wörtern veröffentlicht, die in China überwacht und zensiert werden]||[[CN]] / [[SKYPE]]
|20130308||netzpolitik.org||[https://netzpolitik.org/2013/microsoft-skype-liste-an-wortern-veroffentlicht-die-in-china-uberwacht-und-zensiert-werden/ Microsoft Skype: Liste an Wörtern veröffentlicht, die in China überwacht und zensiert werden]||[[CN]] / [[SKYPE]]
|20130308||businessweek.com||[http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2013-03-08/skypes-been-hijacked-in-china-and-microsoft-is-o-dot-k-dot-with-it Cybersecurity: Skype's Been Hijacked in China, and Microsoft Is O.K. With It]||[[SKYPE]] / [[CN]]
|20130308||businessweek.com||[http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2013-03-08/skypes-been-hijacked-in-china-and-microsoft-is-o-dot-k-dot-with-it Cybersecurity: Skype's Been Hijacked in China, and Microsoft Is O.K. With It]||[[SKYPE]] / [[CN]]
|20130127||munkschool.utoronto.ca||[http://munkschool.utoronto.ca/canadacentre/research/planet-blue-coat-mapping-global-censorship-and-surveillance-tools/ PLANET BLUE COAT: MAPPING GLOBAL CENSORSHIP AND SURVEILLANCE TOOLS]||[[BLUECOAT]] / [[EG]] / [[KW]] / [[QA]] / [[SA]] / [[AE]] / [[AF]] / [[BH]] / [[CN]] / [[IN]] / [[ID]] / [[IQ]] / [[KE]] / [[LB]] / [[MY]] / [[NG]] / [[RU]] / [[KR]] / [[SG]] / [[TH]] / [[TR]] / [[VE]]
== 2012 ==
|31.03.2012||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,824927,00.html Putschgerüchte: China verschärft Internet-Zensur]||[[CN]]
|31.03.2012||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,824927,00.html Putschgerüchte: China verschärft Internet-Zensur]||[[CN]]
Line 70: Line 160:
|00.01.2012||monde-diplomatique.fr||[http://www.monde-diplomatique.fr/2012/01/CHAMPAGNE/47183 Une technologie qui intéresse Etats et entreprises: Surveillance « profonde » sur Internet]||[[CN]] [[LY]] [[SY]] [[AMESYS]] [[NARUS]] [[QOSMOS]]
|00.01.2012||monde-diplomatique.fr||[http://www.monde-diplomatique.fr/2012/01/CHAMPAGNE/47183 Une technologie qui intéresse Etats et entreprises: Surveillance « profonde » sur Internet]||[[CN]] [[LY]] [[SY]] [[AMESYS]] [[NARUS]] [[QOSMOS]]
== 2011 ==
|01.06.2011||Wall Street Journal||[http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304520804576345970862420038.html Mideast Uses Western Tools to Battle the Skype Rebellion]||[[SKYPE]] [[FINFISHER]] [[GAMMA]] [[EG]] [[OM]] [[SA]] [[CN]]
|01.06.2011||Wall Street Journal||[http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304520804576345970862420038.html Mideast Uses Western Tools to Battle the Skype Rebellion]||[[SKYPE]] [[FINFISHER]] [[GAMMA]] [[EG]] [[OM]] [[SA]] [[CN]]
== 2008 ==
|08.08.2008||golem.de||[http://www.golem.de/0808/61624.html Pekings Taxis sind abhörbar: Fernsteuerbare Mikrofone erlauben es, Gespräche in Pekinger Taxis zu belauschen]||[[CN]] COMINT   
|08.08.2008||golem.de||[http://www.golem.de/0808/61624.html Pekings Taxis sind abhörbar: Fernsteuerbare Mikrofone erlauben es, Gespräche in Pekinger Taxis zu belauschen]||[[CN]] COMINT   

Latest revision as of 08:06, 2 August 2018


Intel Environment

Military Alliance SCO
Interior Intelligence Services
Exterior Intelligence Services Ministry of State Ssecurity (MSS)
Military Intelligence Services

Telco/Carrier/ISP Environment

Type Name Ownership Main Office URL Notes

Transnational Cables and Connections

Type Name Ownership Connecting Point Connection Points URL/Notes
480 Gbits/s SEA-ME-WE-3 Norden (DE) / Oostende (BE) / Goonhilly (GB) / Penmarch (FR) / Sesimbra (PT) / Tetuan (MA) / Mazara del Vallo (IT) / Chania (GR) / Marmaris (TR) / Yeroskipou (CY) / Alexandria (EG) / Suez (EG) / Jeddah (SA) / Djibouti (DJ) / Muscat (OM) / Fujairah (AE) / Karachi (PK) / Mumbai (IN) / Cochin (IN) / Mount Lavinia (LK) / Pyapon (MM) / Satun (TH) / Penang, (MY) (Where it meets the SAFE and the FLAG cables.) / Medan (IN) / Tuas (SG) / Jakarta (IN) / Perth (AU) / Mersing (MY) / Tungku (BN) / Da Nang (VN) / Batangas (PH) / Taipa (MO) / Deep Water Bay (HK) / Shantou (CN) / Fangshan (TW) / Toucheng (TW) / Shanghai (CN) / Keoje (KR) / Okinawa, (JP) WP

SIGINT/COMINT Stations and Operators

Name Location Operator Capabilities
Korla Part of US INSCOM / Joint facility operated with a SIGINT partner. / Joint NSA-CIA site
Qitai Part of US INSCOM / Joint facility operated with a SIGINT partner. / Joint NSA-CIA site

Privacy Related Legislation

LI Legislation


Vendor Appearance

Articles / Events / Situations


Date Source Title Tags
20180802 zerohegde.com Meet China's "Secret" Space Control Listening Base In Argentina Now Alarming US Officials AR / CN
20180728 nytimes.com From a Space Station in Argentina, China Expands Its Reach in Latin America AR / CN


Date Source Title Tags
20151124 cn.nytimes.com 新疆警方关停VPN使用者手机服务 CN
20150922 theintercept.com China Pressures U.S. Companies to Buckle on Strong Encryption and Surveillance CN / US
20150615 cntv.cn China: US owes explanation over surveillance scandal CN / US
20150420 rt.com Beijing ‘extremely concerned’ over leaked New Zealand spying reports NZ / CN
20150418 firstlook.org/theintercept New Zealand Plotted Hack on China With NSA NZ / CN


Date Source Title Tags
20140323 spiegel.de Neue Snowden-Dokumente: Chinesischer Tech-Konzern Huawei verurteilt NSA-Spionage NSA / CN / HUAWEI
20140323 spiegel.de Huawei im NSA-Visier: Warum die USA Chinas Netzwerk-Giganten ausspähte NSA / CN / HUAWEI
20140322 nytimes.com N.S.A. Breached Chinese Servers Seen as Security Threat NSA / CN / HUAWEI
20140322 nzz.ch Weitere Enthüllungen Edward Snowdens: Chinesische Staatsführung ausspioniert NSA / CN / HUAWEI
20140322 theguardian.com NSA targeted Chinese telecoms giant Huawei – report HUAWEI / NSA / CN
20140322 spiegel.de Targeting Huawei: NSA Spied on Chinese Government and Networking Firm NSA / CN / HUAWEI
20140322 spiegel.de Snowden-Enthüllung: NSA spionierte Chinas Staatsführung und Konzerne aus NSA / CN / HUAWEI


Date Source Title Tags
20130831 rt.com Snowden leaks: NSA conducted 231 offensive cyber-ops in 2011, hailed as 'active defense US / NSA / IR / RU / CN / KP / TAO / GENIE
20130830 washingtonpost.com U.S. spy agencies mounted 231 offensive cyber-operations in 2011, documents show US / NSA / GENIE / TAO / IR / RU / CN / KP / AF / PK / YE / IQ / SO
20130811 rt.com Russia among countries atop NSA surveillance priority list NSA / RU / CN / EU / IR / PK / KP / AF
20130802 cryptome.org NSA X-KEYSCORE Server Sites XKEYSCORE / US / MX / HN / CR / PA / VE / CO / EC / BR / GB / FR / DE / AT / IT / ES / PL / BY / RU / RO / GR / CZ / DZ / MA / EG / SD / SO / CM / NA / ZW / SA / TR / IQ / KW / BH / QA / AE / UZ / KG / AF / PK / IN / JP / CN / PH / MM / TH / KH / MY / AU / NZ
20130623 scmp.com EXCLUSIVE: US spies on Chinese mobile phone companies, steals SMS data: Edward Snowden US / NSA / CN
20130623 scmp.com EXCLUSIVE: NSA targeted China's Tsinghua University in extensive hacking attacks, says Snowden US / NSA / CN
20130622 guardian.co.uk Snowden spy row grows as US is accused of hacking China - Whistleblower charged with espionage reportedly claims US authorities accessed millions of private text messages in China US / NSA / GCHQ / CN
20130621 guardian.co.uk Spyware planted on Chen Guangcheng, NYU professor says: Latest twist in increasingly bitter claim and counter-claim over the Chinese activist's contacts in the US CN
20130613 guardian.co.uk Snowden revelations on NSA strain US-China relations, says Beijing: State-run China Daily points to countries' 'soured relationship' on cybersecurity and suggests huge surveillance net is unjustified US / NSA / CN
20130520 washingtonpost.com National Security: Chinese hackers who breached Google gained access to sensitive data, U.S. officials say GOOGLE / CN / Lawful Interception
20130425 securelist.com Spyware. HackingTeam HACKINGTEAM / MX / IT / VN / AE / IQ / LB / MA / PA / TJ / IN / IR / SA / KR / ES / PL / TR / AR / CA / ML / OM / CN / US / KZ / EG / UA / UZ / CO / TW / BR / RU / KG / GB / BH / ET / ID / DE / LY
20130308 netzpolitik.org Microsoft Skype: Liste an Wörtern veröffentlicht, die in China überwacht und zensiert werden CN / SKYPE
20130308 businessweek.com Cybersecurity: Skype's Been Hijacked in China, and Microsoft Is O.K. With It SKYPE / CN


Date Source Title Tags
31.03.2012 spiegel.de Putschgerüchte: China verschärft Internet-Zensur CN
22.01.2012 taz.de Software für Diktatoren: Von Peking bis Damaskus spionieren Geheimdienstler das Netz aus. Das System "Deep Packet Inspection" (DPI) aus dem Hause der kalifornischen Firma Narus hilft dabei. CN LY SY AMESYS NARUS QOSMOS
00.01.2012 monde-diplomatique.fr Une technologie qui intéresse Etats et entreprises: Surveillance « profonde » sur Internet CN LY SY AMESYS NARUS QOSMOS


Date Source Title Tags
01.06.2011 Wall Street Journal Mideast Uses Western Tools to Battle the Skype Rebellion SKYPE FINFISHER GAMMA EG OM SA CN


Date Source Title Tags
08.08.2008 golem.de Pekings Taxis sind abhörbar: Fernsteuerbare Mikrofone erlauben es, Gespräche in Pekinger Taxis zu belauschen CN COMINT