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A: 85 Medinat Hayehudim St. Herzelia

Products / Services

  • "Pegasus"

Vendor Appearances


Date Source Title Tags
20190321 nytimes.com A New Age of Warfare: How Internet Mercenaries Do Battle for Authoritarian Governments - Sophisticated surveillance, once the domain of world powers, is increasingly available on the private market. Smaller countries are seizing on the tools — sometimes for darker purposes. NSO / DARKMATTER / SA / BLACK CUBE / PSY-GROUP / HULIO, SHALEV / LAVIE, OMRI / PEGASUS / AE
20181107 haaretz.com Snowden: Israeli Firm's Spyware Was Used to Track Khashoggi NSO / SA
20180705 spiegel.de NSO Group Ex-Mitarbeiter wollte israelische Hacker-Werkzeuge verkaufen NSO
20180529 golem.de Staatstrojaner aus Israel: Verint will angeblich NSO-Group kaufen VERINT / NSO
20180528 wsj.com U.S. Software Firm Verint Is in Talks to Buy NSO for About $1 Billion - Israeli company is known for selling military-grade cybersurveillance technology to government security agencies VERINT / NSO
20170710 nytimes.com Spyware in Mexico Targeted Investigators Seeking Students MX / PEGASUS / NSO
20170710 citizenlab.ca Reckless III Investigation Into Mexican Mass Disappearance Targeted with NSO Spyware MX / PEGASUS / NSO
20170619 nytimes.com Using Texts as Lures, Government Spyware Targets Mexican Journalists and Their Families MX / PEGASUS / NSO
20160826 spiegel.de Sicherheitslücke bei Apple-Geräten: Was Sie jetzt über "Pegasus" wissen sollten APPLE / NSO / PEGASUS
20150710 wikileaks.org HACKINGTEAM: NSO update HACKINGTEAM / NSO / Exploits
20150215 ilventure.co NSO Group: Security Software Solutions and Security Research NSO
20140801 wsj.com Can This Israeli Startup Hack Your Phone? NSO
20140217 haaretz.com U.S. fund to buy NSO and its smartphone-snooping software - Israeli firm's Pegasus software enables governments to track smartphone users and remotely operate its camera. NSO