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aka [[US-984XN]]
= Details =
PRISM is a code name for a program under which the [[NSA|National Security Agency]] has collected communications from at least 9 American Internet companies
* [[MICROSOFT|Microsoft]]
* [[GOOGLE|Google]]
* [[YAHOO|Yahoo]]
* [[FACEBOOK|Facebook]]
* Paltalk
* YouTube
* [[SKYPE|Skype]]
* [[APPLE|Apple]]
It is authorized under Section 702 of a law passed in 2008 known as the [[FISA|FISA Amendments Act]].
PRISM is one of the two FAA702 operations, the other is [[UPSTREAM]]
== Presentation Slides from 201304 leaked 201306 ==
File:prism-slide-1.jpg|Prism Slide 1
File:prism-slide-2.jpg|Prism Slide 2
File:prism-slide-4.jpg|Prism Slide 4
File:prism-slide-5.jpg|Prism Slide 5
File:prism-slide-6.jpg|Prism Slide 6
File:prism-slide-7.jpg|Prism Slide 7
File:prism-slide-8.jpg|Prism Slide 8
File:prism-slide-9.jpg|Prism Slide 9
= Articles =
= Articles =
== 2014 ==
|20141228||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/media/media-35530.pdf NSA Document: User´s Guide for PRISM Skype Collection]||[[NSA]] / [[US-984XN]] / [[S3531]] / [[SKYPE]] / [[CRYPTANALYTICS]]
|20140912||firstlook.org||[https://firstlook.org/theintercept/2014/09/11/soon-revealed-secret-surveillance-battle-yahoo-us-government/ SECRET SURVEILLANCE BATTLE BETWEEN YAHOO AND THE U.S. GOVERNMENT REVEALED]||[[NSA]] / [[YAHOO]] / [[US]] / [[PRISM]]
|20140912||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/nsa-affaere-regierung-draengte-yahoo-mit-geldstrafe-zur-spionage-a-991172.html NSA-Affäre: US-Regierung drohte Yahoo mit Millionenstrafe]||[[NSA]] / [[YAHOO]] / [[US]] / [[PRISM]]
|20140911||washingtonpost.com||[http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/technology/us-threatened-massive-fine-to-force-yahoo-to-release-data/2014/09/11/38a7f69e-39e8-11e4-9c9f-ebb47272e40e_story.html U.S. threatened massive fine to force Yahoo to release data]||[[YAHOO]] / [[US]] / [[NSA]] / [[PRISM]]
|20140822||rt.com||[http://rt.com/news/182056-court-facebook-privacy-schrems/ Facebook given deadline in ‘largest privacy class action in Europe’]||[[FACEBOOK]] / [[PRISM]]
|20140501||firstlook.org||[https://firstlook.org/theintercept/document/2014/04/30/prism-olympic-option/ Prism Operations Highlight / Olympics Support - GCHQ using PRISM access]||[[GCHQ]] / [[PRISM]]
== 2013 ==
|20131021||lemonde.fr||[http://www.lemonde.fr/technologies/article/2013/10/21/espionnage-de-la-nsa-tous-les-documents-publies-par-le-monde_3499986_651865.html Espionnage de la NSA : tous les documents publiés par "Le Monde"]||[[NSA]] / [[FR]] / [[US-984XN]] / [[US-985D]] / [[PRISM]] / [[UPSTREAM]] / [[STORMBREW]]
|20130831||rt.com||[http://rt.com/usa/microsoft-google-lawsuit-surveillance-241/ Microsoft, Google sue US for right to reveal nature of surveillance requests]||[[PRISM]] / [[MICROSOFT]] / [[GOOGLE]]
|20130823||rt.com||[http://rt.com/usa/nsa-payed-internet-companies-911/ NSA paid millions to Internet companies to cover surveillance program costs]||[[NSA]] / [[PRISM]] / [[GOOGLE]] / [[YAHOO]] / [[MICROSOFT]] / [[FACEBOOK]]
|20130823||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/prism-nsa-soll-millionen-an-it-unternehmen-gezahlt-haben-a-918308.html Prism-Spähprogramm: US-Geheimdienst soll IT-Konzernen Millionen gezahlt haben]||[[NSA]] / [[PRISM]] / [[GOOGLE]] / [[YAHOO]] / [[MICROSOFT]] / [[FACEBOOK]]
|20130823||theguardian.com||[http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/aug/23/nsa-prism-costs-tech-companies-paid NSA paid millions to cover Prism compliance costs for tech companies / Top-secret files show first evidence of financial relationship / Prism companies include Google and Yahoo, says NSA / Costs were incurred after 2011 Fisa court ruling]||[[NSA]] / [[PRISM]] / [[GOOGLE]] / [[YAHOO]] / [[MICROSOFT]] / [[FACEBOOK]]
|20130725||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/nsa-berichtet-bundesregierung-von-drei-prism-programmen-a-913193.html Brief an Bundesregierung: NSA bestätigt Existenz von drei Prism-Programmen]||[[PRISM]] / [[NSA]]
|20130718||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/prism-scheinheilige-botschaft-von-apple-facebook-google-microsoft-a-911817.html Prism-Skandal: Die scheinheilige Transparenz-Botschaft der Internetriesen]||[[PRISM]] / [[APPLE]] / [[FACEBOOK]] / [[GOOGLE]] / [[MICROSOFT]]
|20130718||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/identische-datenbanken-verwirrung-um-das-doppelte-prism-programm-a-911757.html Identische Datenbanken: Verwirrung um das doppelte Prism-Programm]||[[DE]] / [[PRISM]] / [[MAINWAY]] / [[MARINA]]
|20130718||sueddeutsche.de||[http://www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/posse-um-zwei-prism-merkel-mutiert-zur-daunendecke-1.1724513 Posse um zweites Prism Merkel mutiert zur Daunendecke]||[[NSA]] / [[PRISM]] / [[MARINA]] / [[MAINWAY]]
|20130717||guardian.co.uk||[http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jul/17/prism-nsa-gchq-review-framework-surveillance Prism: committee urges review of legal framework for electronic surveillance - Intelligence and security committee also confirms GCHQ's use of NSA Prism surveillance material for first time]||[[PRISM]] / [[GCHQ]] / [[GB]]
|20130717||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/microsoft-will-details-zur-geheimdienst-kooperation-nennen-duerfen-a-911543.html Prism-Skandal: Microsoft will Details zur Geheimdienst-Kooperation nennen dürfen]||[[MICROSOFT]] / [[PRISM]] / [[NSA]]
|20130716||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/geheimgericht-us-regierung-muss-yahoos-prism-protest-offenlegen-a-911320.html Yahoo: Geheimgericht muss Prism-Urteil veröffentlichen]||[[YAHOO]] / [[PRISM]] / [[FISA]]
|20130717||techcrunch.com||[http://techcrunch.com/2013/06/17/apple-nsa/ Why Was Apple Late To The PRISM Party?]||[[APPLE]] / [[PRISM]]
|20130712||theguardian.com||[http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/jul/11/microsoft-nsa-collaboration-user-data Microsoft handed the NSA access to encrypted messages]||[[MICROSOFT]] / [[NSA]] / [[PRISM]] / [[SKYPE]]
|20130711||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/microsoft-hat-in-der-prism-affaere-mit-der-nsa-kooperiert-a-910714.html Überwachungsskandal: Microsoft soll seit Jahren mit US-Ermittlern kooperieren]||[[NSA]] / [[PRISM]] / [[MICROSOFT]] / [[SKYPE]]
|20130711||guardian.co.uk||[http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jul/11/microsoft-nsa-collaboration-user-data Revealed: how Microsoft handed the NSA access to encrypted messages]||[[NSA]] / [[PRISM]] / [[MICROSOFT]] / [[SKYPE]]
|20130708||guardian.co.uk||[http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk-news/2013/jul/08/nsa-gchq-spy-programmes-legal-challenge NSA and GCHQ spy programmes face legal challenge - Privacy campaigners file claim saying laws used to justify data trawling by Prism and Tempora programmes are being abused]||[[GB]] / [[NSA]] / [[GCHQ]] / [[PRISM]] / [[TEMPORA]]
|20130704||heise.de||[http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/PRISM-und-Tempora-EU-Parlament-setzt-Untersuchungsausschuss-ein-1911312.html PRISM und Tempora: EU-Parlament setzt Untersuchungsausschuss ein]||[[EU]] / [[NSA]] / [[TEMPORA]] / [[PRISM]]
|20130703||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/verfassungsschutz-chef-maassen-will-von-prism-nichts-gewusst-haben-a-909205.html US-Spähprogramm: Verfassungsschutz will von Prism nichts gewusst haben]||[[PRISM]] / [[DE]]
|20130701||tagesschau.de||[http://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/prism-internetunternehmen100.html "Prism" und die Internetgiganten - Doch direkter Zugriff auf die Server?]||[[PRISM]] / [[GOOGLE]] / [[YAHOO]] / [[FACEBOOK]] / [[MICROSOFT]]
|20130629||washingtonpost.com||[http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/special/politics/prism-collection-documents/ NSA slides explain the PRISM data-collection program]||[[PRISM]] / [[NSA]]
|20130627||focus.de||[http://www.focus.de/digital/internet/tid-32065/nsa-gchq-prism-tempora-so-ueberwachen-uns-die-geheimdienste-ueber-das-internet_aid_1027694.html NSA, GCHQ – Prism, Tempora: So überwachen uns die Geheimdienste über das Internet]||[[NSA]] / [[GCHQ]] / [[PRISM]] / [[TEMPORA]] / [[CARNIVORE]] / [[AT&T]] / [[NARUS]]
|20130627||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/abmahnaktion-gegen-den-britischen-geheimdienst-a-908115.html Prism und Tempora: Facebook-Kritiker gehen gegen Internetfirmen vor]||[[FACEBOOK]] / [[PRISM]] / [[TEMPORA]]
|20130627||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/prism-tempora-und-die-bundesregierung-a-908250.html Prism, Tempora und die Bundesregierung: Ausgespäht und abgespeist]||[[DE]] / [[PRISM]] / [[TEMPORA]]
|20130620||guardian.co.uk||[http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jun/20/house-obama-declassify-fisa-court US House bill would force Obama to declassify Fisa court decisions: Legal justifications for NSA's wide-ranging surveillance would be released as lawmakers seek 'informed public debate' on Prism]||[[FISA]] / [[PRISM]] / [[US]]
|20130617||zeit.de||[http://www.zeit.de/digital/datenschutz/2013-06/nsa-prism-faq/komplettansicht ÜBERWACHUNG: Das Spionagesystem Prism und seine Brüder]||[[NSA]] / [[PRISM]]
|20130617||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/edward-snowden-verteidigt-im-live-interview-enthuellung-von-prism-a-906240.html Prism-Überwachungsprogramm: Snowden bezichtigt US-Geheimdienste der Lüge]||[[PRISM]]
|20130617||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/nsa-skandal-ueberwachen-die-usa-internet-seekabel-a-906158.html NSA-Skandal: Prisms großer Bruder]||[[NSA]] / [[PRISM]]
|20130616||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/ueberwachungsprogramm-prism-politiker-fordern-ein-staats-google-a-906006.html Überwachungsprogramm Prism: Innenpolitiker fordern ein deutsches Google]||[[PRISM]] / [[DE]]
|20130615||bigstory.ap.org||[http://bigstory.ap.org/article/secret-prism-success-even-bigger-data-seizure Secret to Prism program: Even bigger data seizure]||[[PRISM]] / [[NSA]] / [[MICROSOFT]] / [[FACEBOOK]] / [[GOOGLE]]
|20130615||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/spaehprogramm-prism-google-kritisiert-microsoft-und-facebook-a-905939.html Spähprogramm Prism: Google kritisiert Microsoft und Facebook]||[[PRISM]] / [[GOOGLE]] / [[MICROSOFT]] / [[FACEBOOK]]
|20130614||guardian.co.uk||[http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jun/14/prism-nsa-surveillance-european-data Prism NSA surveillance 'did not collect European data in bulk' - EU commissioner says she has assurances that only those suspected of links to terrorism or cybercrime were targeted]||[[EU]] / [[PRISM]]
|20130614||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/prism-yahoo-soll-sich-gegen-daten-spionage-gewehrt-haben-a-905723.html Prism-Skandal: Yahoo hat sich gegen Datenspionage gewehrt]||[[PRISM]] / [[YAHOO]]
|20130614||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/treffen-mit-ministern-internetfirmen-bitten-merkel-um-hilfe-a-905822.html Späh-Programm Prism: Google und Microsoft bitten Merkel um Hilfe]||[[PRISM]] / [[GOOGLE]] / [[MICROSOFT]]
|20130614||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/treffen-mit-ministern-internetfirmen-bitten-merkel-um-hilfe-a-905822.html Späh-Programm Prism: Google und Microsoft bitten Merkel um Hilfe]||[[PRISM]] / [[GOOGLE]] / [[MICROSOFT]]
|20130614||heise.de||[http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/EU-macht-Druck-USA-versprechen-Auskunft-zu-PRISM-1888945.html EU macht Druck: USA versprechen Auskunft zu PRISM]||[[PRISM]] / [[EU]]
|20130614||guardian.co.uk||[http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2013/jun/14/nsa-partisanship-propaganda-prism On PRISM, partisanship and propaganda: Addressing many of the issues arising from last week's NSA stories]||[[PRISM]] / [[NSA]] / [[US]]
|20130614||guardian.co.uk||[http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2013/jun/14/nsa-partisanship-propaganda-prism On PRISM, partisanship and propaganda: Addressing many of the issues arising from last week's NSA stories]||[[PRISM]] / [[NSA]] / [[US]]
|20130614||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/prism-skandal-google-setzt-auf-transparenz-at-t-schweigt-a-905458.html Prism-Skandal: Warum Google auf Transparenz setzt und AT&T schweigt]||[[PRISM]]
|20130614||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/prism-skandal-google-setzt-auf-transparenz-at-t-schweigt-a-905458.html Prism-Skandal: Warum Google auf Transparenz setzt und AT&T schweigt]||[[PRISM]]
|20130613||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/prism-skandal-google-setzt-auf-transparenz-at-t-schweigt-a-905458.html Prism-Skandal: Warum Google auf Transparenz setzt und AT&T schweigt]||[[PRISM]]
|20130613||netzpolitik.org||[http://netzpolitik.org/2013/bundesnachrichtendienst-hatte-keine-ahnung-von-prism/ Bundesnachrichtendienst hatte keine Ahnung von PRISM]||[[BND]] / [[PRISM]]
|20130612||washingtonpost.com||[http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/technology/google-details-how-it-hands-over-data-to-federal-officials/2013/06/12/94671d26-d377-11e2-b05f-3ea3f0e7bb5a_story.html Google details how it hands over data to federal officials]||[[GOOGLE]] / [[PRISM]] / [[NSA]]
|20130612||washingtonpost.com||[http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/technology/google-details-how-it-hands-over-data-to-federal-officials/2013/06/12/94671d26-d377-11e2-b05f-3ea3f0e7bb5a_story.html Google details how it hands over data to federal officials]||[[GOOGLE]] / [[PRISM]] / [[NSA]]
Line 25: Line 152:
|20130611||nrc.nl||[http://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2013/06/11/aivd-heeft-ook-toegang-tot-informatie-uit-prism/ 'AIVD heeft ook toegang tot informatie uit PRISM]||[[AIVD]] / [[NL]] / [[NSA]] / [[PRISM]] / [[GOOGLE]] / [[SKYPE]] / [[FACEBOOK]]  
|20130611||nrc.nl||[http://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2013/06/11/aivd-heeft-ook-toegang-tot-informatie-uit-prism/ 'AIVD heeft ook toegang tot informatie uit PRISM]||[[AIVD]] / [[NL]] / [[NSA]] / [[PRISM]] / [[GOOGLE]] / [[SKYPE]] / [[FACEBOOK]]  
|20130608||wsj.com||[http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324798904578531672407107306Credibility Crunch for Tech Companies Over Prism]||[[PRISM]] / [[NSA]] / [[GOOGLE]] / [[MICROSOFT]] / [[SKYPE]] / [[FACEBOOK]]
|20130608||wsj.com||[http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324798904578531672407107306 Credibility Crunch for Tech Companies Over Prism]||[[PRISM]] / [[NSA]] / [[GOOGLE]] / [[MICROSOFT]] / [[SKYPE]] / [[FACEBOOK]]
|20130608||wired.com||[http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2013/06/prism-faq/ Intel Director Sets Record Straight on PRISM, Sort Of]||[[NSA]] / [[PRISM]] / [[CLAPPER, JAMES R.]]
|20130608||wired.com||[http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2013/06/prism-faq/ Intel Director Sets Record Straight on PRISM, Sort Of]||[[NSA]] / [[PRISM]] / [[CLAPPER, JAMES R.]]
Line 32: Line 159:
|20130608||facebook.com||[https://www.facebook.com/zuck/posts/10100828955847631 Mark Zuckerberg: I want to respond personally to the outrageous press reports about PRISM:]||[[FACEBOOK]] / [[PRISM]]
|20130608||facebook.com||[https://www.facebook.com/zuck/posts/10100828955847631 Mark Zuckerberg: I want to respond personally to the outrageous press reports about PRISM:]||[[FACEBOOK]] / [[PRISM]]
|20130608||guardian.co.uk||[http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jun/08/nsa-prism-server-collection-facebook-google NSA's Prism surveillance program: how it works and what it can do - Slide from secret PowerPoint presentation describes how program collects data 'directly from the servers' of tech firms]||[[PRISM]]
|20130607||theweek.com||[http://theweek.com/article/index/245360/solving-the-mystery-of-prism Solving the mystery of PRISM]||[[PRISM]] / [[SIGADS]] / [[MARINA]] / [[CONTRAOCTAVE]] / [[XKEYSCORE]] / [[PINWALE]]
|20130607||theatlantic.com||[http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2013/06/i-cannot-figure-out-why-this-was-classified-to-begin-with/276673/ 'I Cannot Figure Out Why This Was Classified to Begin With': What the PRISM leaks have in common with the Pentagon Papers]||[[US]] / [[NSA]] / [[PRISM]]
|20130607||theatlantic.com||[http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2013/06/i-cannot-figure-out-why-this-was-classified-to-begin-with/276673/ 'I Cannot Figure Out Why This Was Classified to Begin With': What the PRISM leaks have in common with the Pentagon Papers]||[[US]] / [[NSA]] / [[PRISM]]
Line 38: Line 169:
|20130606||abcnews.go.com||[http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2013/06/internet-companies-deny-offering-government-access-to-customer-data/ Internet Companies Deny Offering Government Access to Customer Data]||[[NSA]] / [[PRISM]] / [[GOOGLE]] / [[APPLE]] / [[SKYPE]] / [[FACEBOOK]]
|20130606||abcnews.go.com||[http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2013/06/internet-companies-deny-offering-government-access-to-customer-data/ Internet Companies Deny Offering Government Access to Customer Data]||[[NSA]] / [[PRISM]] / [[GOOGLE]] / [[APPLE]] / [[SKYPE]] / [[FACEBOOK]]
|20130607||guardian.co.uk||[http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jun/06/us-tech-giants-nsa-data NSA Prism program taps in to user data of Apple, Google and others - Top-secret Prism program claims direct access to servers of firms including Google, Apple and Facebook - Companies deny any knowledge of program in operation since 2007]||[[PRISM]] / [[GOOGLE]] / [[APPLE]] / [[FACEBOOK]]
[[Category:NSA programs]]

Latest revision as of 16:49, 30 December 2014

aka US-984XN


PRISM is a code name for a program under which the National Security Agency has collected communications from at least 9 American Internet companies

It is authorized under Section 702 of a law passed in 2008 known as the FISA Amendments Act.

PRISM is one of the two FAA702 operations, the other is UPSTREAM

Presentation Slides from 201304 leaked 201306



Date Source Title Tags
20141228 spiegel.de NSA Document: User´s Guide for PRISM Skype Collection NSA / US-984XN / S3531 / SKYPE / CRYPTANALYTICS
20140912 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: US-Regierung drohte Yahoo mit Millionenstrafe NSA / YAHOO / US / PRISM
20140911 washingtonpost.com U.S. threatened massive fine to force Yahoo to release data YAHOO / US / NSA / PRISM
20140822 rt.com Facebook given deadline in ‘largest privacy class action in Europe’ FACEBOOK / PRISM
20140501 firstlook.org Prism Operations Highlight / Olympics Support - GCHQ using PRISM access GCHQ / PRISM


Date Source Title Tags
20131021 lemonde.fr Espionnage de la NSA : tous les documents publiés par "Le Monde" NSA / FR / US-984XN / US-985D / PRISM / UPSTREAM / STORMBREW
20130831 rt.com Microsoft, Google sue US for right to reveal nature of surveillance requests PRISM / MICROSOFT / GOOGLE
20130823 rt.com NSA paid millions to Internet companies to cover surveillance program costs NSA / PRISM / GOOGLE / YAHOO / MICROSOFT / FACEBOOK
20130823 spiegel.de Prism-Spähprogramm: US-Geheimdienst soll IT-Konzernen Millionen gezahlt haben NSA / PRISM / GOOGLE / YAHOO / MICROSOFT / FACEBOOK
20130823 theguardian.com NSA paid millions to cover Prism compliance costs for tech companies / Top-secret files show first evidence of financial relationship / Prism companies include Google and Yahoo, says NSA / Costs were incurred after 2011 Fisa court ruling NSA / PRISM / GOOGLE / YAHOO / MICROSOFT / FACEBOOK
20130725 spiegel.de Brief an Bundesregierung: NSA bestätigt Existenz von drei Prism-Programmen PRISM / NSA
20130718 spiegel.de Prism-Skandal: Die scheinheilige Transparenz-Botschaft der Internetriesen PRISM / APPLE / FACEBOOK / GOOGLE / MICROSOFT
20130718 spiegel.de Identische Datenbanken: Verwirrung um das doppelte Prism-Programm DE / PRISM / MAINWAY / MARINA
20130718 sueddeutsche.de Posse um zweites Prism Merkel mutiert zur Daunendecke NSA / PRISM / MARINA / MAINWAY
20130717 guardian.co.uk Prism: committee urges review of legal framework for electronic surveillance - Intelligence and security committee also confirms GCHQ's use of NSA Prism surveillance material for first time PRISM / GCHQ / GB
20130717 spiegel.de Prism-Skandal: Microsoft will Details zur Geheimdienst-Kooperation nennen dürfen MICROSOFT / PRISM / NSA
20130716 spiegel.de Yahoo: Geheimgericht muss Prism-Urteil veröffentlichen YAHOO / PRISM / FISA
20130717 techcrunch.com Why Was Apple Late To The PRISM Party? APPLE / PRISM
20130712 theguardian.com Microsoft handed the NSA access to encrypted messages MICROSOFT / NSA / PRISM / SKYPE
20130711 spiegel.de Überwachungsskandal: Microsoft soll seit Jahren mit US-Ermittlern kooperieren NSA / PRISM / MICROSOFT / SKYPE
20130711 guardian.co.uk Revealed: how Microsoft handed the NSA access to encrypted messages NSA / PRISM / MICROSOFT / SKYPE
20130708 guardian.co.uk NSA and GCHQ spy programmes face legal challenge - Privacy campaigners file claim saying laws used to justify data trawling by Prism and Tempora programmes are being abused GB / NSA / GCHQ / PRISM / TEMPORA
20130704 heise.de PRISM und Tempora: EU-Parlament setzt Untersuchungsausschuss ein EU / NSA / TEMPORA / PRISM
20130703 spiegel.de US-Spähprogramm: Verfassungsschutz will von Prism nichts gewusst haben PRISM / DE
20130701 tagesschau.de "Prism" und die Internetgiganten - Doch direkter Zugriff auf die Server? PRISM / GOOGLE / YAHOO / FACEBOOK / MICROSOFT
20130629 washingtonpost.com NSA slides explain the PRISM data-collection program PRISM / NSA
20130627 focus.de NSA, GCHQ – Prism, Tempora: So überwachen uns die Geheimdienste über das Internet NSA / GCHQ / PRISM / TEMPORA / CARNIVORE / AT&T / NARUS
20130627 spiegel.de Prism und Tempora: Facebook-Kritiker gehen gegen Internetfirmen vor FACEBOOK / PRISM / TEMPORA
20130627 spiegel.de Prism, Tempora und die Bundesregierung: Ausgespäht und abgespeist DE / PRISM / TEMPORA
20130620 guardian.co.uk US House bill would force Obama to declassify Fisa court decisions: Legal justifications for NSA's wide-ranging surveillance would be released as lawmakers seek 'informed public debate' on Prism FISA / PRISM / US
20130617 zeit.de ÜBERWACHUNG: Das Spionagesystem Prism und seine Brüder NSA / PRISM
20130617 spiegel.de Prism-Überwachungsprogramm: Snowden bezichtigt US-Geheimdienste der Lüge PRISM
20130617 spiegel.de NSA-Skandal: Prisms großer Bruder NSA / PRISM
20130616 spiegel.de Überwachungsprogramm Prism: Innenpolitiker fordern ein deutsches Google PRISM / DE
20130615 bigstory.ap.org Secret to Prism program: Even bigger data seizure PRISM / NSA / MICROSOFT / FACEBOOK / GOOGLE
20130615 spiegel.de Spähprogramm Prism: Google kritisiert Microsoft und Facebook PRISM / GOOGLE / MICROSOFT / FACEBOOK
20130614 guardian.co.uk Prism NSA surveillance 'did not collect European data in bulk' - EU commissioner says she has assurances that only those suspected of links to terrorism or cybercrime were targeted EU / PRISM
20130614 spiegel.de Prism-Skandal: Yahoo hat sich gegen Datenspionage gewehrt PRISM / YAHOO
20130614 spiegel.de Späh-Programm Prism: Google und Microsoft bitten Merkel um Hilfe PRISM / GOOGLE / MICROSOFT
20130614 heise.de EU macht Druck: USA versprechen Auskunft zu PRISM PRISM / EU
20130614 guardian.co.uk On PRISM, partisanship and propaganda: Addressing many of the issues arising from last week's NSA stories PRISM / NSA / US
20130614 spiegel.de Prism-Skandal: Warum Google auf Transparenz setzt und AT&T schweigt PRISM
20130613 spiegel.de Prism-Skandal: Warum Google auf Transparenz setzt und AT&T schweigt PRISM
20130613 netzpolitik.org Bundesnachrichtendienst hatte keine Ahnung von PRISM BND / PRISM
20130612 washingtonpost.com Google details how it hands over data to federal officials GOOGLE / PRISM / NSA
20130612 spiegel.de Lehren aus Prism: Google, Facebook, Microsoft machen den Job der NSA PRISM / NSA / GOOGLE / FACEBOOK / MICROSOFT
20130612 spiegel.de Überwachungsprogramm: Mehrere Staaten haben offenbar Zugriff auf Prism-Daten PRISM / BE / NL / RU / EU / FSB
20130611 spiegel.de Prism-Skandal: Kommissarin Reding will Europa vor US-Datenangriffen schützen PRISM / EU
20130611 slate.com European Parliament Up In Arms Over PRISM EU / PRISM
20130611 standaard.be Ook Staatsveiligheid krijgt informatie uit Prism BE / PRISM
20130611 nrc.nl 'AIVD heeft ook toegang tot informatie uit PRISM AIVD / NL / NSA / PRISM / GOOGLE / SKYPE / FACEBOOK
20130608 wsj.com Credibility Crunch for Tech Companies Over Prism PRISM / NSA / GOOGLE / MICROSOFT / SKYPE / FACEBOOK
20130608 wired.com Intel Director Sets Record Straight on PRISM, Sort Of NSA / PRISM / CLAPPER, JAMES R.
20130608 spiegel.de Überwachungsprogramm Prism: Die wackeligen Dementis von Larry Page und Mark Zuckerberg FACEBOOK / NSA / PRISM
20130608 facebook.com Mark Zuckerberg: I want to respond personally to the outrageous press reports about PRISM: FACEBOOK / PRISM
20130608 guardian.co.uk NSA's Prism surveillance program: how it works and what it can do - Slide from secret PowerPoint presentation describes how program collects data 'directly from the servers' of tech firms PRISM
20130607 theweek.com Solving the mystery of PRISM PRISM / SIGADS / MARINA / CONTRAOCTAVE / XKEYSCORE / PINWALE
20130607 theatlantic.com 'I Cannot Figure Out Why This Was Classified to Begin With': What the PRISM leaks have in common with the Pentagon Papers US / NSA / PRISM
20130607 foreignpolicy.com The PRISM spin war has begun PRISM / NSA / GOOGLE / FACEBOOK
20130606 abcnews.go.com Internet Companies Deny Offering Government Access to Customer Data NSA / PRISM / GOOGLE / APPLE / SKYPE / FACEBOOK
20130607 guardian.co.uk NSA Prism program taps in to user data of Apple, Google and others - Top-secret Prism program claims direct access to servers of firms including Google, Apple and Facebook - Companies deny any knowledge of program in operation since 2007 PRISM / GOOGLE / APPLE / FACEBOOK