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Involvement: VASTECH as of 01/2012
Position: Design Engineer at Vastech - South Africa
Personal Details
Personal Data Sheet
- 2010 - Present Design Engineer - Vastech
Privately Held; Telecommunications
- 2009 - 2010 Chairman - Maties RAG
Nonprofit; Fund-Raising Managing executive committee, dealing with sponsors, dealing with stakeholders.
- 2004 - 2009 Website Developer - Struisbaai L'Agulhas Houserentals
Leisure, Travel & Tourism Developing website UI, creating new features, updating website, fixing errors.
- 2008 - 2009 Treasurer - Maties RAG
Nonprofit; Fund-Raising Responsible for RAG finance, manage residences finances, make payments, reconciliation, audit.
- 2007 - 2008 Vice-chairman - Golden Key Internation Honour Society: Stellenbosch Chapter
Educational Institution; Higher Education Supporting the chairperson, managing student membership on campus.
- 2006 - 2007 Director: Webmaster - Golden Key International Honour Society: Stellenbosch Chapter
Educational Institution; Nonprofit Organization Management Maintaining website, building new design.
- 2005 - 2010 BEng (Electrical and Electronic with Computer Science) Electronics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Control Systems, Systems and Signals, Telecommunication - Stellenbosch University/Universiteit Stellenbosch
- Activities and Societies: Maties RAG Committee, Golden Key International Honour Society, Berg en Toer Klub, Stranddienste