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|20130823||rt.com||[http://rt.com/usa/nsa-payed-internet-companies-911/ NSA paid millions to Internet companies to cover surveillance program costs]||[[NSA]] / [[PRISM]] / [[GOOGLE]] / [[YAHOO]] / [[MICROSOFT]] / [[FACEBOOK]]
|20130823||theguardian.com||[http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/aug/23/nsa-prism-costs-tech-companies-paid NSA paid millions to cover Prism compliance costs for tech companies / Top-secret files show first evidence of financial relationship / Prism companies include Google and Yahoo, says NSA / Costs were incurred after 2011 Fisa court ruling]||[[NSA]] / [[PRISM]] / [[GOOGLE]] / [[YAHOO]] / [[MICROSOFT]] / [[FACEBOOK]]
|20130823||theguardian.com||[http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/aug/23/nsa-prism-costs-tech-companies-paid NSA paid millions to cover Prism compliance costs for tech companies / Top-secret files show first evidence of financial relationship / Prism companies include Google and Yahoo, says NSA / Costs were incurred after 2011 Fisa court ruling]||[[NSA]] / [[PRISM]] / [[GOOGLE]] / [[YAHOO]] / [[MICROSOFT]] / [[FACEBOOK]]

Revision as of 18:59, 23 August 2013