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= Resources =
* https://www.pangulab.cn/files/The_Bvp47_a_top-tier_backdoor_of_us_nsa_equation_group.en.pdf

Latest revision as of 12:16, 1 March 2022


Date Source Title Tags
20160822 theweek.com How the NSA willfully exposes Americans to danger US / NSA / CIA / EQUATION GROUP / CISCO
20160819 rt.com Hack of NSA ‘cyber weapons’ verified by Snowden docs – report EQUATION GROUP / NSA
20160819 theintercept.com The NSA Leak Is Real, Snowden Documents Confirm EQUATION GROUP / NSA
20160817 motherboard.vice.com What We Know About the Exploits Dumped in NSA-Linked Hack EQUATION GROUP / NSA
20160816 securelist.com The Equation giveaway Rare implementation of RC5/RC6 in ‘ShadowBrokers’ dump connects them to Equation malware EQUATION GROUP
20160816 schneier.com Major NSA/Equation Group Leak EQUATION GROUP / NSA
20150311 arsrechnica.com New smoking gun further ties NSA to omnipotent “Equation Group” hackers - What are the chances unrelated state-sponsored projects were both named "BACKSNARF"? EQUATION GROUP / NSA / BACKSNARF
20150311 spiegel.de Equation Group: Sicherheitsforscher analysieren mutmaßliches NSA-Werkzeug EQUATION GROUP
20150219 spiegel.de Neue Super-Spähprogramme: "Wir wissen von zwei Betroffenen in Deutschland" EQUATION GROUP
20150217 spiegel.de Equation Group: Sicherheitsforscher entdecken mutmaßliche NSA-Schadprogramme EQUATION GROUP
20150216 reuters.com Russian researchers expose breakthrough U.S. spying program NSA / EQUATION GROUP
20150216 securelist.com Equation: The Death Star of Malware Galaxy NSA / EQUATION GROUP
