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Acronyms in the area of signal intelligence, interception and related issues

COMINT - Communication Intelligence

Communication Intelligence is a Military/Intelligence Termin for any technical interception way to obtain Data from Telecommunication.

DR Data Retention

Recording of all telecommunication traffic data (who calls who when and from where) but not call content

LI Lawful Interception

"Lawful Interception" is an Euphemism for build-in Interception capabilities in compliance with legal framework regulating this. Trouble: This type of legal framework doesn't exist in some countries and what is "Lawful" is defined by a single person aka the head of the government

SIGINT Signals Intelligence

Signals Intelligence is a Military/Intelligence Term for all kinds of _TECHNICAL_ Interception ways (passive, active, through build-in or external technical measures) not limited to COMINT (communications intelligence) which is a subcategory of SIGINT