Revision as of 21:10, 28 August 2013 by A (talk | contribs)
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Type Name Owner Landing Points Ressources/Comments
120 Gbit/s (Atlantic Crossing 1) Tyco / Global Telesystems Ltd Brookhaven Cable Station in Shirley, New York (US) / Land's End Cable Station in Whitesands, (UK) / Westerland Cable Station on Sylt (DE) / KPN Telecom cable station, Beverwijk (NL) WP

Articles / Events / Situations

|border=1 |- |Date||Source||Title||Tags |- |20130828||||British Officials Have Far-Reaching Access To Internet And Telephone Communications||GCHQ / TAT-14 / AC1 / CIRCE NORTH / CIRCE SOUTH / FA-1 , FEA / SEA-ME-WE-3 / SEA-ME-WE-4 / SOLAS / UK-France 3 / UK-Netherlands 14 / ULYSSES / AC2 / PEC |- |}