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|20140217||citizenlab.org||[https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/mapping-hacking-teams-untraceable-spyware/ Mapping Hacking Team’s “Untraceable” Spyware]||[[HACKINGTEAM]]
|20140217||citizenlab.org||[https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/mapping-hacking-teams-untraceable-spyware/ Mapping Hacking Team’s “Untraceable” Spyware]||[[HACKINGTEAM]] / [[AZ]] / [[CO]] / [[EG]] / [[ET]] / [[HU]] / [[IT]] / [[KZ]] / [[KR]] / [[MY]] / [[MX]] / [[MO]] / [[NI]] / [[OM]] / [[PA]] / [[PL]] / [[SA]] / [[SD]] / [[TH]] / [[TR]] / [[AE]] / [[UZ]]
|20130913||theverge.com||[http://www.theverge.com/2013/9/13/4723610/meet-hacking-team-the-company-that-helps-police-hack-into-computers Meet Hacking Team, the company that helps the police hack you - Hacking Team may not have any clients in the US yet, but it's not for lack of trying]||[[HACKINGTEAM]]
|20130913||theverge.com||[http://www.theverge.com/2013/9/13/4723610/meet-hacking-team-the-company-that-helps-police-hack-into-computers Meet Hacking Team, the company that helps the police hack you - Hacking Team may not have any clients in the US yet, but it's not for lack of trying]||[[HACKINGTEAM]]

Revision as of 21:27, 11 March 2014


Official Coordinates

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Via della Moscova, 13

IT - 20121 Milano Italy

T: +39-02-29060603

F: +39-02-63118946



Persons Involved

Products / Services

Vendor Appearances

Date Source Title Tags
25.07.2012 drweb.com Cross-platform Trojan controls Windows and Mac machines HACKINGTEAM Trojans
22.04.2011 malwarebytes.org adobeflash.jar HACKINGTEAM Trojans
24.04.2011 jsunpack.jeek.org Submission permanent link f876be71039371b4b192485d4ec31c1dfba9b893 (Received 2011-04-24 05:08:42, ) HACKINGTEAM Trojans

Articles / Events / Situations

Date Source Title Tags
20140217 citizenlab.org Mapping Hacking Team’s “Untraceable” Spyware HACKINGTEAM / AZ / CO / EG / ET / HU / IT / KZ / KR / MY / MX / MO / NI / OM / PA / PL / SA / SD / TH / TR / AE / UZ
20130913 theverge.com Meet Hacking Team, the company that helps the police hack you - Hacking Team may not have any clients in the US yet, but it's not for lack of trying HACKINGTEAM
20130904 espresso.repubblica.it WikiLeaks, nuovi file sugli spioni HACKINGTEAM
20130904 wikileaks.org HACKINGTEAM: Marco Bettini HACKINGTEAM / BETTINI, MARCO / IT / FR / MA / AE / SG / DE / RS / ES / MX / CZ / PT / BR
20130904 wikileaks.org HACKINGTEAM: Mostapaha Maana HACKINGTEAM / MAANA, MOSTAPHA / IT / CH / US / MA / MY / SG / LB / NL / FR / EG / AE / TR / DE / SA / QA / SD / CZ / OM
20130425 securelist.com Spyware. HackingTeam HACKINGTEAM / MX / IT / VN / AE / IQ / LB / MA / PA / TJ / IN / IR / SA / KR / ES / PL / TR / AR / CA / ML / OM / CN / US / KZ / EG / UA / UZ / CO / TW / BR / RU / KG / GB / BH / ET / ID / DE / LY
20130313 ibtimes.co.uk Hacking Team and the Murky World of State-Sponsored Spying HACKINGTEAM / AE / MA
20130312 spiegel.de Reporter ohne Grenzen: Deutsche Firmen als "Feinde des Internets" angeprangert GAMMA / TROVICOR / BLUECOAT / AMESYS / HACKINGTEAM
20130312 pcworld.com Reporters Without Borders slams five nations for spying on media, activists GAMMA / TROVICOR / HACKINGTEAM / AMESYS / BLUECOAT / US / GB / DE / FR / IT
20130305 spiegel.de Spitzelsoftware-Hersteller: "Des einen Terrorist ist des anderen Aktivist" HACKINGTEAM / RABE, ERIC
20130228 techweekeurope.co.uk RSA 2013: Meet Hacking Team – The Under-Fire Surveillance Software Seller - Hacking Team fends off claims its work has helped repressive governments track activists before torturing them HACKINGTEAM
20.08.2012 slate.com How Government-Grade Spy Tech Used A Fake Scandal To Dupe Journalists MA / TrojansHACKINGTEAM
27.07.2012 netzpolitik.org Hacking Team Remote Control System: Noch ein europäischer Staatstrojaner enttarnt, mit erstem Rootkit für Mac OS X HACKINGTEAM
27.07.2012 scusiblog.org Neue staatliche Trojaner entdeckt FINFISHER / HACKINGTEAM
25.07.2012 drweb.com Cross-platform Trojan controls Windows and Mac machines HACKINGTEAM
05.12.2011 Spiegel Bürgerrechte: Der gläserne Staatsfeind BH LY FINFISHER GAMMA HACKINGTEAM TROVICOR SYBORG
24.11.2011 telegraph.co.uk The spies behind your screen HACKINGTEAM
01.10.2011 wikileaks.org Remote Control System (Brochure) HACKINGTEAM TROJAN
01.06.2011 Wall Street Journal Mideast Uses Western Tools to Battle the Skype Rebellion EG LY OM GAMMA HACKINGTEAM DIGITASK ERAIT IPOQUE NARUS
01.10.2008 wikileaks.org Remote Control System V5.1 (Presentation) Trojans
Unknown echelon2.org Hacking Team HACKINGTEAM