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(16 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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| ||Az-Zarqa||Contractor-operated US facility.||
|Abu Dhabi||Y||[[:Category:Special Collection Service (SCS)|US Special Collection Service (SCS)]]||Abu Dhabi ([[AE|UNITED ARAB EMIRATES]])||[[US Embassy Abu Dhabi]]
| ||Dalma||Contractor-operated US facility.||  
|Az-Zarqa||?||Contractor-operated US facility.||Az-Zarga||
| ||Ras al-Khaimah||Contractor-operated US facility.||
|Dalma||?||Contractor-operated US facility.||Dalma||
| ||Sir Abu Nuayr Island||Contractor-operated US facility.||
|Ras al-Khaimah||?||Contractor-operated US facility.||Ras al-Khaimah
|Sir Abu Nuayr Island||?||Contractor-operated US facility.||Sir Abu Nuayr Island
Line 86: Line 88:
= Articles / Events / Situations =
= Articles / Events / Situations =
== 2019 ==
|20190321||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/21/us/politics/government-hackers-nso-darkmatter.html A New Age of Warfare: How Internet Mercenaries Do Battle for Authoritarian Governments - Sophisticated surveillance, once the domain of world powers, is increasingly available on the private market. Smaller countries are seizing on the tools — sometimes for darker purposes.]||[[NSO]] / [[DARKMATTER]] / [[SA]] / [[BLACK CUBE]] / [[PSY-GROUP]] / [[HULIO, SHALEV]] / [[LAVIE, OMRI]] / [[PEGASUS]] / [[AE]]
|20190131||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-01-30/ex-nsa-spies-ran-uae-intelligence-unit-which-hacked-dissidents Ex-NSA Spies Ran UAE Intelligence Unit Which Hacked Dissidents]||[[AE]]
== 2017 ==
|20170112||motherboard.vice.com||[https://motherboard.vice.com/read/cellebrite-sold-phone-hacking-tech-to-repressive-regimes-data-suggests Cellebrite Sold Phone Hacking Tech to Repressive Regimes, Data Suggests]||[[CELLEBRITE]] / [[TR]] / [[AE]] / [[RU]] / [[BH]]
== 2016 ==
|20161027||evilsocket.net||[https://www.evilsocket.net/2016/07/27/How-The-United-Arab-Emirates-Intelligence-Tried-to-Hire-me-to-Spy-on-its-People/ How the United Arab Emirates Intelligence Tried to Hire Me to Spy on Its People]||[[AE]] / [[DARKMATTER]] / [[AL BANNAI, FAISAL]]
|20161024||theintercept.com||[https://theintercept.com/2016/10/24/darkmatter-united-arab-emirates-spies-for-hire/ How the UAE is recruting Hackers to create the perfect surveillanc state - Spies for hire]||[[DARKMATTER]] / [[AE]]
== 2015 ==
|20150710||wikileaks.org||[https://wikileaks.org/hackingteam/emails/emailid/144932 HACKINGTEAM: /etc/LISTA.txt]||[[HACKINGTEAM]] / [[US]] / [[NL]] / [[BY]] / [[MY]] / [[TR]] / [[SA]] / [[KW]] / [[IN]] / [[ID]] / [[AE]] / [[GR]] / [[SG]] / [[CZ]] / [[IT]] / [[DE]] / [[FR]] / [[NO]] / [[RS]] / [[CY]] / [[LT]] / [[ZA]] / [[HU]] / [[PL]] / [[DK]] / [[NZ]] / [[ZW]] / [[SI]] / [[KR]] / [[VA]] / [[CH]] / [[ES]] / [[CA]] / [[MT]] / [[UY]] / [[VN]] / [[BG]] / [[KZ]] / [[MO]] / [[HR]] / [[GT]] / [[QA]] / [[AT]] / [[SB]] / [[JP]] / [[RO]] / [[NA]] / [[FI]] / [[SE]] / [[RU]] / [[BN]] / [[LB]] / [[GH]]
== 2014 ==
|20141003||slate.com||[http://www.slate.com/blogs/future_tense/2014/10/03/dubai_police_will_use_facial_recognition_and_google_glass_to_look_for_wanted.html Dubai Police Will Wear Google Glass With Facial Recognition Software to ID Crooks]||[[AE]] / [[GOOGLE]] / [[Facial Recognition]]
|20140619||rt.com||[http://rt.com/usa/167132-nsa-snowden-rampart-cable/ NSA uses 33 countries to intercept web traffic – Snowden Files]||[[NSA]] / [[RAMPART-A]] / [[US]] / [[CA]] / [[NZ]] / [[GB]] / [[DZ]] / [[AT]] / [[BE]] / [[HR]] / [[CZ]] / [[DK]] / [[ET]] / [[FI]] / [[FR]] / [[DE]] / [[GR]] / [[HU]] / [[IN]] / [[IL]] / [[IT]] / [[JP]] / [[JO]] / [[KR]] / [[MK]] / [[NL]] / [[NO]] / [[PK]] / [[PL]] / [[RO]] / [[SA]] / [[SG]] / [[ES]] / [[SE]] / [[TW]] / [[TH]] / [[TN]] / [[TR]] / [[AE]]
|20140618||firstlook.org||[https://firstlook.org/theintercept/article/2014/06/18/nsa-surveillance-secret-cable-partners-revealed-rampart-a/ How Secret Partners Expand NSA’s Surveillance Dragnet]||[[NSA]] / [[RAMPART-A]] / [[US]] / [[CA]] / [[NZ]] / [[GB]] / [[DZ]] / [[AT]] / [[BE]] / [[HR]] / [[CZ]] / [[DK]] / [[ET]] / [[FI]] / [[FR]] / [[DE]] / [[GR]] / [[HU]] / [[IN]] / [[IL]] / [[IT]] / [[JP]] / [[JO]] / [[KR]] / [[MK]] / [[NL]] / [[NO]] / [[PK]] / [[PL]] / [[RO]] / [[SA]] / [[SG]] / [[ES]] / [[SE]] / [[TW]] / [[TH]] / [[TN]] / [[TR]] / [[AE]]
|20140217||citizenlab.org||[https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/mapping-hacking-teams-untraceable-spyware/ Mapping Hacking Team’s “Untraceable” Spyware]||[[HACKINGTEAM]] / [[AZ]] / [[CO]] / [[EG]] / [[ET]] / [[HU]] / [[IT]] / [[KZ]] / [[KR]] / [[MY]] / [[MX]] / [[MA]] / [[NG]] / [[OM]] / [[PA]] / [[PL]] / [[SA]] / [[SD]] / [[TH]] / [[TR]] / [[AE]] / [[UZ]]
|20140105||defensenews.com||[http://www.defensenews.com/article/20140105/DEFREG04/301050006 French-UAE Intel Satellite Deal in Doubt: Discovery of US Parts Raises Security Concerns]||[[AE]] / [[FR]] / [[THALES]]
== 2013 ==
Line 134: Line 200:
|20130127||munkschool.utoronto.ca||[http://munkschool.utoronto.ca/canadacentre/research/planet-blue-coat-mapping-global-censorship-and-surveillance-tools/ PLANET BLUE COAT: MAPPING GLOBAL CENSORSHIP AND SURVEILLANCE TOOLS]||[[BLUECOAT]] / [[EG]] / [[KW]] / [[QA]] / [[SA]] / [[AE]] / [[AF]] / [[BH]] / [[CN]] / [[IN]] / [[ID]] / [[IQ]] / [[KE]] / [[LB]] / [[MY]] / [[NG]] / [[RU]] / [[KR]] / [[SG]] / [[TH]] / [[TR]] / [[VE]]
|20130127||munkschool.utoronto.ca||[http://munkschool.utoronto.ca/canadacentre/research/planet-blue-coat-mapping-global-censorship-and-surveillance-tools/ PLANET BLUE COAT: MAPPING GLOBAL CENSORSHIP AND SURVEILLANCE TOOLS]||[[BLUECOAT]] / [[EG]] / [[KW]] / [[QA]] / [[SA]] / [[AE]] / [[AF]] / [[BH]] / [[CN]] / [[IN]] / [[ID]] / [[IQ]] / [[KE]] / [[LB]] / [[MY]] / [[NG]] / [[RU]] / [[KR]] / [[SG]] / [[TH]] / [[TR]] / [[VE]]
== 2012 ==
|20121010||citizenlab.org||[https://citizenlab.org/2012/10/backdoors-are-forever-hacking-team-and-the-targeting-of-dissent/ Backdoors are Forever: Hacking Team and the Targeting of Dissent?]||[[HACKINGTEAM]] / [[AE]]
|08.08.2012||bloomberg.com||[http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-08-08/finfisher-spyware-reach-found-on-five-continents-report.html FinFisher Spyware Reach Found On Five Continents: Report]||[[FINFISHER]] / [[AU]] / [[CZ]] / [[AE]] / [[ET]] / [[EE]] / [[ID]] / [[LV]] / [[MN]] / [[QA]] / [[US]]
|08.08.2012||bloomberg.com||[http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-08-08/finfisher-spyware-reach-found-on-five-continents-report.html FinFisher Spyware Reach Found On Five Continents: Report]||[[FINFISHER]] / [[AU]] / [[CZ]] / [[AE]] / [[ET]] / [[EE]] / [[ID]] / [[LV]] / [[MN]] / [[QA]] / [[US]]
|08.08.2012||community.rapid7.com||[https://community.rapid7.com/community/infosec/blog/2012/08/08/finfisher Analysis of the FinFisher Lawful Interception Malware]|||[[FINFISHER]] / [[AU]] / [[CZ]] / [[AE]] / [[ET]] / [[EE]] / [[ID]] / [[LV]] / [[MN]] / [[QA]] / [[US]]
|08.08.2012||community.rapid7.com||[https://community.rapid7.com/community/infosec/blog/2012/08/08/finfisher Analysis of the FinFisher Lawful Interception Malware]|||[[FINFISHER]] / [[AU]] / [[CZ]] / [[AE]] / [[ET]] / [[EE]] / [[ID]] / [[LV]] / [[MN]] / [[QA]] / [[US]]
== 2011 ==
|30.10.2011||Spiegel||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/0,1518,794850,00.html Verbotene Exporte: Syriens Regime überwacht Internet mit US-Technik]||[[SY]] [[AE]] [[BH]] [[QA]] [[BLUECOAT]]
|30.10.2011||Spiegel||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/0,1518,794850,00.html Verbotene Exporte: Syriens Regime überwacht Internet mit US-Technik]||[[SY]] [[AE]] [[BH]] [[QA]] [[BLUECOAT]]
|29.10.2011||Wall Street Journal||[http://online.wsj.com/article_email/SB10001424052970203687504577001911398596328-lMyQjAxMTAxMDIwODEyNDgyWj.html U.S. Firm Acknowledges Syria Uses Its Gear to Block Web]||[[AE]] [[BH]] [[QA]] [[SY]] [[BLUECOAT]]
|29.10.2011||Wall Street Journal||[http://online.wsj.com/article_email/SB10001424052970203687504577001911398596328-lMyQjAxMTAxMDIwODEyNDgyWj.html U.S. Firm Acknowledges Syria Uses Its Gear to Block Web]||[[AE]] [[BH]] [[QA]] [[SY]] [[BLUECOAT]]
== 2010 ==
|08.10.2010||Spiegel||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/gadgets/0,1518,722005,00.html Vereinigte Arabische Emirate: Blackberry-Nutzer dürfen weitermailen]||[[AE]] [[BLACKBERRY]]
|08.10.2010||Spiegel||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/gadgets/0,1518,722005,00.html Vereinigte Arabische Emirate: Blackberry-Nutzer dürfen weitermailen]||[[AE]] [[BLACKBERRY]]
|07.09.2010||Golem||[http://www.golem.de/1009/77764.html VEREINIGTE ARABISCHE EMIRATE: USA nutzen Blackberry-Daten zur Spionage]||[[AE]] [[BLACKBERRY|Blackberry]]
|07.09.2010||Golem||[http://www.golem.de/1009/77764.html VEREINIGTE ARABISCHE EMIRATE: USA nutzen Blackberry-Daten zur Spionage]||[[AE]] [[BLACKBERRY|Blackberry]]
== 2009 ==
|06.08.2009||Cablesearch||[http://wikileaks.org/cable/2009/08/09ABUDHABI789.html SUBJECT: UAE SPYWARE GOES PUBLIC]||[[AE]] [[BLACKBERRY]]
|06.08.2009||Cablesearch||[http://wikileaks.org/cable/2009/08/09ABUDHABI789.html SUBJECT: UAE SPYWARE GOES PUBLIC]||[[AE]] [[BLACKBERRY]]
Line 156: Line 256:
|14.07.2009||The Register||[http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/07/14/blackberry_snooping/ BlackBerry update bursting with spyware: Official snooping suspected in UAE]||[[BLACKBERRY]] [[AE]] Spyware
|14.07.2009||The Register||[http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/07/14/blackberry_snooping/ BlackBerry update bursting with spyware: Official snooping suspected in UAE]||[[BLACKBERRY]] [[AE]] Spyware
== 2008 ==
|04.02.2008||khaleejtimes.com||[http://www.khaleejtimes.com/DisplayArticleNew.asp?section=theuae&xfile=data/theuae/2008/february/theuae_february121.xml Cable damage hits one million Internet users in UAE]||[[AE]] [[FAE]] [[SEA-ME-WE 4]]
|04.02.2008||khaleejtimes.com||[http://www.khaleejtimes.com/DisplayArticleNew.asp?section=theuae&xfile=data/theuae/2008/february/theuae_february121.xml Cable damage hits one million Internet users in UAE]||[[AE]] [[FAE]] [[SEA-ME-WE 4]]
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[[Category:Countries]] [[Category:AE]]

Latest revision as of 06:38, 2 August 2019


Intel Environment

Military Alliance
Interior Intelligence Services
Exterior Intelligence Services
Military Intelligence Services

Telco/Carrier/ISP Environment

Type Name Ownership Main Office URL Notes
3G 2100 Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company PJSC (du) http://www.du.ae/
GSM 900/1800 Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company PJSC (du) http://www.du.ae/
3G 2100 Emirates Telecom Corp-ETISALAT (AE) http://www.etisalat.ae/
GSM 900 Emirates Telecom Corp-ETISALAT (ETISALAT) (AE) http://www.etisalat.ae/

Transnational Cables and Connections

Type Name Ownership Connecting Point A Connection Points B URL/Notes
3,84 Tbs EIG Tripoli (LY) / Abu Talat (EG) / Al Fujaurah (AE) / Barka (OM) / Djibouti (DJ) / Gibraltar (Gibraltar) / Jeddah (SA) / London (GB) / Marseille (FR) / Monaco (MC) / Mumbai (IN) / Sesimbra (PT) / Widemouth Bay (GB) / Zaferana (EG) Operator WP
480 Gbits/s SEA-ME-WE-3 Norden (DE) / Oostende (BE) / Goonhilly (GB) / Penmarch (FR) / Sesimbra (PT) / Tetuan (MA) / Mazara del Vallo (IT) / Chania (GR) / Marmaris (TR) / Yeroskipou (CY) / Alexandria (EG) / Suez (EG) / Jeddah (SA) / Djibouti (DJ) / Muscat (OM) / Fujairah (AE) / Karachi (PK) / Mumbai (IN) / Cochin (IN) / Mount Lavinia (LK) / Pyapon (MM) / Satun (TH) / Penang, (MY) (Where it meets the SAFE and the FLAG cables.) / Medan (IN) / Tuas (SG) / Jakarta (IN) / Perth (AU) / Mersing (MY) / Tungku (BN) / Da Nang (VN) / Batangas (PH) / Taipa (MO) / Deep Water Bay (HK) / Shantou (CN) / Fangshan (TW) / Toucheng (TW) / Shanghai (CN) / Keoje (KR) / Okinawa, (JP) WP
1,28 Tbs SEA-ME-WE_4 Al Fujaurah (AE) / Alexandria ((EG) / Annaba (DZ) / Bizerte (TN)

Chennai (Madras) (IN) / Colombo (LK) / Cox's Bazaar (BD) / Jeddah (SA) / Karachi (PK) / Malacca Town (MY) / Marseille (FR) / Mumbai (IN) / Palermo (IT) / Satun (TH) / Suez (EG) / Tuas (SG) || Operator WP

SIGINT/COMINT Stations and Operators

Name Active Operator Location Details
Abu Dhabi Y US Special Collection Service (SCS) Abu Dhabi (UNITED ARAB EMIRATES) US Embassy Abu Dhabi
Az-Zarqa ? Contractor-operated US facility. Az-Zarga
Dalma ? Contractor-operated US facility. Dalma
Ras al-Khaimah ? Contractor-operated US facility. Ras al-Khaimah
Sir Abu Nuayr Island ? Contractor-operated US facility. Sir Abu Nuayr Island

Privacy Related Legislation

LI Legislation


Vendor Appearance

Vendor with place of registration in the Arab Emirates

Vendor with product/service appearances in the Arab Emirates

Articles / Events / Situations


Date Source Title Tags
20190321 nytimes.com A New Age of Warfare: How Internet Mercenaries Do Battle for Authoritarian Governments - Sophisticated surveillance, once the domain of world powers, is increasingly available on the private market. Smaller countries are seizing on the tools — sometimes for darker purposes. NSO / DARKMATTER / SA / BLACK CUBE / PSY-GROUP / HULIO, SHALEV / LAVIE, OMRI / PEGASUS / AE
20190131 zerohedge.com Ex-NSA Spies Ran UAE Intelligence Unit Which Hacked Dissidents AE


Date Source Title Tags
20170112 motherboard.vice.com Cellebrite Sold Phone Hacking Tech to Repressive Regimes, Data Suggests CELLEBRITE / TR / AE / RU / BH


Date Source Title Tags
20161027 evilsocket.net How the United Arab Emirates Intelligence Tried to Hire Me to Spy on Its People AE / DARKMATTER / AL BANNAI, FAISAL
20161024 theintercept.com How the UAE is recruting Hackers to create the perfect surveillanc state - Spies for hire DARKMATTER / AE


Date Source Title Tags
20150710 wikileaks.org HACKINGTEAM: /etc/LISTA.txt HACKINGTEAM / US / NL / BY / MY / TR / SA / KW / IN / ID / AE / GR / SG / CZ / IT / DE / FR / NO / RS / CY / LT / ZA / HU / PL / DK / NZ / ZW / SI / KR / VA / CH / ES / CA / MT / UY / VN / BG / KZ / MO / HR / GT / QA / AT / SB / JP / RO / NA / FI / SE / RU / BN / LB / GH


Date Source Title Tags
20141003 slate.com Dubai Police Will Wear Google Glass With Facial Recognition Software to ID Crooks AE / GOOGLE / Facial Recognition
20140619 rt.com NSA uses 33 countries to intercept web traffic – Snowden Files NSA / RAMPART-A / US / CA / NZ / GB / DZ / AT / BE / HR / CZ / DK / ET / FI / FR / DE / GR / HU / IN / IL / IT / JP / JO / KR / MK / NL / NO / PK / PL / RO / SA / SG / ES / SE / TW / TH / TN / TR / AE
20140618 firstlook.org How Secret Partners Expand NSA’s Surveillance Dragnet NSA / RAMPART-A / US / CA / NZ / GB / DZ / AT / BE / HR / CZ / DK / ET / FI / FR / DE / GR / HU / IN / IL / IT / JP / JO / KR / MK / NL / NO / PK / PL / RO / SA / SG / ES / SE / TW / TH / TN / TR / AE
20140217 citizenlab.org Mapping Hacking Team’s “Untraceable” Spyware HACKINGTEAM / AZ / CO / EG / ET / HU / IT / KZ / KR / MY / MX / MA / NG / OM / PA / PL / SA / SD / TH / TR / AE / UZ
20140105 defensenews.com French-UAE Intel Satellite Deal in Doubt: Discovery of US Parts Raises Security Concerns AE / FR / THALES


Date Source Title Tags
20130904 wikileaks.org UTIMACO: Rudolf Windschuh UTIMACO / WINDSCHUH, RUDOLF / DE / NL / FR / ES / AE / AU / CZ / FI / GB
20130904 wikileaks.org TROVICOR: Tomas Miskovsky TROVICOR / MISKOVSKY, TOMAS / CZ / AE / DE / BG / RS
20130904 wikileaks.org TELESOFT: Ray Hutton TELESOFT / HUTTON, RAY / GB / ES / AE / IT
20130904 wikileaks.org HACKINGTEAM: Mostapaha Maana HACKINGTEAM / MAANA, MOSTAPHA / IT / CH / US / MA / MY / SG / LB / NL / FR / EG / AE / TR / DE / SA / QA / SD / CZ / OM
20130904 wikileaks.org HACKINGTEAM: Marco Bettini HACKINGTEAM / BETTINI, MARCO / IT / FR / MA / AE / SG / DE / RS / ES / MX / CZ / PT / BR
20130904 wikileaks.org GAMMA: Stephan Oelkers GAMMA / OELKERS, STEPHAN / SG / ID / UG / AE / DE / ET / NG / LB / QA
20130904 wikileaks.org GAMMA: Louthean Nelson GAMMA / NELSON, LOUTHEAN JOHN ALEXANDER / LB / DE / AE / LV / CH / ID / IT / MY / SG / GB / AT / RS / TR / CI / BJ / ZA
20130904 wikileaks.org GAMMA: Carlos Gandini GAMMA / GANDINI, CARLOS / DE / AT / ES / CZ / FR / MX / AE / OM / MA / GQ / CM / PT / BR
20130904 wikileaks.org GAMMA: Brydon Nelson GAMMA / NELSON, BRYDON / GB / DE / QA / AE / BH / NL / OM / BN / MY / CY / FR
20130904 wikileaks.org ELAMAN: Holger Rumscheidt ELAMAN / RUMSCHEIDT, HOLGER / LB / DE / FR / CH / AE / AT / OM / ZA / ET / US / AZ / TM / JO
20130904 wikileaks.org ELAMAN: Thomas Oblinger ELAMAN / OBLINGER, THOMAS / DE / CH / AE / OM
20130904 wikileaks.org COBHAM: Neil Tomlinson COBHAM GB / AE / LB / QA / KW
20130904 wikileaks.org CELLEBRITE: Peter Warnke CELLEBRITE / WARNKE, PETER / DE / IL / TR / NL / AE / US / GB / PL / CH
20130802 cryptome.org NSA X-KEYSCORE Server Sites XKEYSCORE / US / MX / HN / CR / PA / VE / CO / EC / BR / GB / FR / DE / AT / IT / ES / PL / BY / RU / RO / GR / CZ / DZ / MA / EG / SD / SO / CM / NA / ZW / SA / TR / IQ / KW / BH / QA / AE / UZ / KG / AF / PK / IN / JP / CN / PH / MM / TH / KH / MY / AU / NZ
20130430 citizenlab.org For their Eyes Only: The Commercialization of Digital Spying (Full Report) FINFISHER / GAMMA / AU / AT / BH / BN / BG / CA / CZ / EE / ET / DE / HU / IN / ID / JP / LV / LT / MK / MY / MX / MG / NL / NG / PK / PA / QA / RO / RS / SG / ZA / TR / TM / AE / GB / US / VN
20130430 citizenlab.org For Their Eyes Only: The Commercialization of Digital Spying FINFISHER / GAMMA / AU / AT / BH / BN / BG / CA / CZ / EE / ET / DE / HU / IN / ID / JP / LV / LT / MK / MY / MX / MG / NL / NG / PK / PA / QA / RO / RS / SG / ZA / TR / TM / AE / GB / US / VN
20130425 securelist.com Spyware. HackingTeam HACKINGTEAM / MX / IT / VN / AE / IQ / LB / MA / PA / TJ / IN / IR / SA / KR / ES / PL / TR / AR / CA / ML / OM / CN / US / KZ / EG / UA / UZ / CO / TW / BR / RU / KG / GB / BH / ET / ID / DE / LY
20130313 ibtimes.co.uk Hacking Team and the Murky World of State-Sponsored Spying HACKINGTEAM / AE / MA
20130313 nytimes.com Researchers Find 25 Countries Using Surveillance Software GAMMA / FINFISHER / MUENCH, MARTIN J / AU / BH / BD / BN / CA / CZ / EE / ET / DE / IN / ID / JP / LV / MY / MX / MN / NL / QA / RS / SG / TM / AE / GB / US / VN
20130313 citizenlab.org You Only Click Twice: FinFisher’s Global Proliferation FINFISHER / GAMMA / AU / BH / BD / BN / CA / CZ / EE / ET / DE / IN / ID / JP / LV / MY / MX / MN / NL / QA / RS / SG / TM / AE / GB / US / VN
20130312 bugbrother.blog.lemonde.fr Amesys: les documents qui impliquent Ziad Takieddine et Philippe Vannier, le PDG de Bull AMESYS / MA / AE / GA / SA / KZ / LY


Date Source Title Tags
20121010 citizenlab.org Backdoors are Forever: Hacking Team and the Targeting of Dissent? HACKINGTEAM / AE
08.08.2012 bloomberg.com FinFisher Spyware Reach Found On Five Continents: Report FINFISHER / AU / CZ / AE / ET / EE / ID / LV / MN / QA / US
08.08.2012 community.rapid7.com Analysis of the FinFisher Lawful Interception Malware FINFISHER / AU / CZ / AE / ET / EE / ID / LV / MN / QA / US


Date Source Title Tags
30.10.2011 Spiegel Verbotene Exporte: Syriens Regime überwacht Internet mit US-Technik SY AE BH QA BLUECOAT
29.10.2011 Wall Street Journal U.S. Firm Acknowledges Syria Uses Its Gear to Block Web AE BH QA SY BLUECOAT


Date Source Title Tags
08.10.2010 Spiegel Vereinigte Arabische Emirate: Blackberry-Nutzer dürfen weitermailen AE BLACKBERRY
07.09.2010 Golem VEREINIGTE ARABISCHE EMIRATE: USA nutzen Blackberry-Daten zur Spionage AE Blackberry


Date Source Title Tags
01.08.2010 Spiegel Sicherheitsbedenken: Arabische Staaten wollen Datenübertragung per Blackberry sperren AE BLACKBERRY
15.07.2009 www.veracode.com BlackBerry Spyware Dissected SS8 BLACKBERRY AE Spyware
14.07.2009 itp.net Etisalat’s BlackBerry patch designed for surveillance SS8 BLACKBERRY AE Spyware
14.07.2009 The Register BlackBerry update bursting with spyware: Official snooping suspected in UAE BLACKBERRY AE Spyware


Date Source Title Tags
04.02.2008 khaleejtimes.com Cable damage hits one million Internet users in UAE AE FAE SEA-ME-WE 4