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Intel Environment

Military Alliance
Interior Intelligence Services National Intelligence Agency (NIA) WP

South African Secret Service (SASS) WP

Crime Intelligence Division, South African Police Service

Exterior Intelligence Services
Military Intelligence Services South African National Defence Force Intelligence Division (SANDF-ID) WP

Telco/Carrier/ISP Environment

Type Name Ownership URL Notes
3G 2100 Cell C (Pty) Ltd (Cell C)    
GSM 900/1800 Cell C (Pty) Ltd (Cell C)    
3G 2100 MTN - Mobile Telephone Networks (Pty) Ltd. (MTN-SA) MTN Group (ZA)
GSM 900 MTN - Mobile Telephone Networks (Pty) Ltd. (MTN-SA) MTN Group (ZA)  
3G 900 MTN - Mobile Telephone Networks (Pty) Ltd. (MTN-SA) MTN Group (ZA)  
GSM 1800 MTN - Mobile Telephone Networks (Pty) Ltd. (MTN-SA) MTN Group (ZA)  
3G 2100 Telkom SA Ltd (8ta)    
GSM 1800 Telkom SA Ltd (8ta)    
GSM 900 Vodacom Group Pty Ltd. (VodaCom)    
3G 2100 Vodacom Group Pty Ltd. (VodaCom)    

Transnational Cables and Connections

Type Name Ownership Connecting Operator Point A Connection Operator Point B URL/Notes

SIGINT/COMINT Stations and Operators

Privacy Related Legislation

LI Legislation

  • Regulation of Interception of Communications & Provision of Communications Act, No. 70/2000 related to the Information Act, 2002


Vendor Appearance

Vendors with Place of Registratio in South Africa

Vendors with Service / Installations in South Africa

Articles / Events / Situations


Date Source Title Tags
20190815 Two states admit bulk interception practices: why does it matter? GB / ZA


Date Source Title Tags
20180328 Mapped: The breathtaking global reach of Cambridge Analytica’s parent company CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA / US / GB / AR / CO / GY / UY / TT / GD / VC / LC / KN / AG / CY / NG / GA / KY / ZM / ZA / LV / LT / UA / RO / IT / MD / AL / IN / PK / NP / TH / ID / PH / MU


Date Source Title Tags
20150803 ‘Grabber’ nabbed in big sting ZA
20150710 HACKINGTEAM: /etc/LISTA.txt HACKINGTEAM / US / NL / BY / MY / TR / SA / KW / IN / ID / AE / GR / SG / CZ / IT / DE / FR / NO / RS / CY / LT / ZA / HU / PL / DK / NZ / ZW / SI / KR / VA / CH / ES / CA / MT / UY / VN / BG / KZ / MO / HR / GT / QA / AT / SB / JP / RO / NA / FI / SE / RU / BN / LB / GH
20150220 Securocrats serious about cyberwarfare ZA


Date Source Title Tags
20140915 FinFisher - Customers FINFISHER / GAMMA / COBHAM / DYPLEX COMMUNICATIONS / ELAMAN / TROVICOR / SK / MN / QA / ZA / BH / PK / EE / VN / AU / BE / NG / NL / SG / BD / HU / IT / BA
20140606 Vodafone reveals existence of secret wires that allow state surveillance: Wires allow agencies to listen to or record live conversations, in what privacy campaigners are calling a 'nightmare scenario' VODAFONE / AL / AU / BE / CZ / CG / EG / FJ / FR / DE / GH / GR / HU / IN / IE / IT / KE / LS / MT / MZ / NL / NZ / PT / QA / RO / ZA / ES / TZ / TR / GB


Date Source Title Tags
20130912 Spyware servers in SA: more details emerge - Information from Wikileaks offers another link between the makers of the FinFisher surveillance sofware suite and South Africa ZA / FINFISHER / GAMMA / ELAMAN / RUMSCHEIDT, HOLGER / NELSON, LOUTHEAN JOHN ALEXANDER
20130906 South Africa’s link to The Spy Files: WikiLeaks has once again linked South Africa to what it calls the “mass surveillance industry” ZA
20130904 GAMMA: Louthean Nelson GAMMA / NELSON, LOUTHEAN JOHN ALEXANDER / LB / DE / AE / LV / CH / ID / IT / MY / SG / GB / AT / RS / TR / CI / BJ / ZA
20130904 ELAMAN: Holger Rumscheidt ELAMAN / RUMSCHEIDT, HOLGER / LB / DE / FR / CH / AE / AT / OM / ZA / ET / US / AZ / TM / JO
20130616 How GCHQ stepped up spying on South African foreign ministry - UK hoped to find out everything it could about negotiating position of Thabo Mbeki's government GCHQ / NSA / ZA
20130430 For their Eyes Only: The Commercialization of Digital Spying (Full Report) FINFISHER / GAMMA / AU / AT / BH / BN / BG / CA / CZ / EE / ET / DE / HU / IN / ID / JP / LV / LT / MK / MY / MX / MG / NL / NG / PK / PA / QA / RO / RS / SG / ZA / TR / TM / AE / GB / US / VN
20130430 For Their Eyes Only: The Commercialization of Digital Spying FINFISHER / GAMMA / AU / AT / BH / BN / BG / CA / CZ / EE / ET / DE / HU / IN / ID / JP / LV / LT / MK / MY / MX / MG / NL / NG / PK / PA / QA / RO / RS / SG / ZA / TR / TM / AE / GB / US / VN