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(24 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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|Military Alliance||NATO
|Military Alliance||[[NATO]]
|Interior Intelligence Services||[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agenzia_Informazioni_e_Sicurezza_Interna Agenzia Informazioni e Sicurezza Interna (AISI): "Agency for Internal Information and Security" (domestic intelligence agency)], [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guardia_di_Finanza Guardia di Finanza]
|Interior Intelligence Services||[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agenzia_Informazioni_e_Sicurezza_Interna Agenzia Informazioni e Sicurezza Interna (AISI): "Agency for Internal Information and Security" (domestic intelligence agency)], [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guardia_di_Finanza Guardia di Finanza]
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= Articles / Events / Situations =
= Articles / Events / Situations =
== 2018 ==
|20180328||qz.com||[https://qz.com/1239762/cambridge-analytica-scandal-all-the-countries-where-scl-elections-claims-to-have-worked/ Mapped: The breathtaking global reach of Cambridge Analytica’s parent company]||[[CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA]] / [[US]] / [[GB]] / [[AR]] / [[CO]] / [[GY]] / [[UY]] / [[TT]] / [[GD]] / [[VC]] / [[LC]] / [[KN]] / [[AG]] / [[CY]] / [[NG]] / [[GA]] / [[KY]] / [[ZM]] / [[ZA]] / [[LV]] / [[LT]] / [[UA]] / [[RO]] / [[IT]] / [[MD]] / [[AL]] / [[IN]] / [[PK]] / [[NP]] / [[TH]] / [[ID]] / [[PH]] / [[MU]]
|20180301||theintercept.com||[https://theintercept.com/2018/03/01/nsa-global-surveillance-sigint-seniors/ The Powerful Global Spy Alliance You Never Knew Existed]||[[NSA]] / [[FIFE EYES]] / [[US]] / [[GB]] / [[AU]] / [[NZ]] / [[CA]] / [[BE]] / [[DK]] / [[FR]] / [[DE]] / [[IT]] / [[NL]] / [[NO]] / [[ES]] / [[SE]] / [[KR]] / [[SG]] / [[TH]] / [[IN]]
== 2016 ==
|20160222||theintercept.com||[https://theintercept.com/2016/02/22/wikileaks-nsa-spied-on-israels-attempts-to-repair-relations-with-us/ WikiLeaks: NSA Spied on Israel’s Attempts to Repair Relations With U.S.]||[[NSA]] / [[IL]] / [[IT]] / [[DE]] / [[UN]] / [[CH]]
== 2015 ==
|20150710||wikileaks.org||[https://wikileaks.org/hackingteam/emails/emailid/144932 HACKINGTEAM: /etc/LISTA.txt]||[[HACKINGTEAM]] / [[US]] / [[NL]] / [[BY]] / [[MY]] / [[TR]] / [[SA]] / [[KW]] / [[IN]] / [[ID]] / [[AE]] / [[GR]] / [[SG]] / [[CZ]] / [[IT]] / [[DE]] / [[FR]] / [[NO]] / [[RS]] / [[CY]] / [[LT]] / [[ZA]] / [[HU]] / [[PL]] / [[DK]] / [[NZ]] / [[ZW]] / [[SI]] / [[KR]] / [[VA]] / [[CH]] / [[ES]] / [[CA]] / [[MT]] / [[UY]] / [[VN]] / [[BG]] / [[KZ]] / [[MO]] / [[HR]] / [[GT]] / [[QA]] / [[AT]] / [[SB]] / [[JP]] / [[RO]] / [[NA]] / [[FI]] / [[SE]] / [[RU]] / [[BN]] / [[LB]] / [[GH]]
== 2014 ==
|20141010||repubblica.it||[http://espresso.repubblica.it/inchieste/2014/10/10/news/nuove-rivelazioni-top-secret-sulle-attivita-della-nsa-1.183679?ref=HEF_RULLO Nuove rivelazioni "top secret" sulle attività della Nsa - Dai file di Edward Snowden spunta una terza infrastruttura di Telecom Italia Sparkle intercettata dalla National Security Agency americana]||[[IT]] / [[NSA]]
|20140926||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/nsa-treasuremap-provider-in-13-laendern-betroffen-a-993223.html System Treasuremap: NSA zapft offenbar Provider in 13 weiteren Ländern an]||[[TREASUREMAP]] / [[STELLAR]] / [[CETEL]] / [[IABG]] / [[NL]] / [[BE]] / [[SE]] / [[GB]] / [[IT]] / [[TR]] / [[CY]] / [[HK]] / [[SG]] / [[MY]] / [[KW]] / [[PK]] / [[US]]
|20140915||wikileaks.org||[https://wikileaks.org/spyfiles4/customers.html FinFisher - Customers]||[[FINFISHER]] / [[GAMMA]] / [[COBHAM]] / [[DYPLEX COMMUNICATIONS]] / [[ELAMAN]] / [[TROVICOR]] / [[SK]] / [[MN]] / [[QA]] / [[ZA]] / [[BH]] / [[PK]] / [[EE]] / [[VN]] / [[AU]] / [[BE]] / [[NG]] / [[NL]] / [[SG]] / [[BD]] / [[HU]] / [[IT]] / [[BA]]
|20140619||rt.com||[http://rt.com/usa/167132-nsa-snowden-rampart-cable/ NSA uses 33 countries to intercept web traffic – Snowden Files]||[[NSA]] / [[RAMPART-A]] / [[US]] / [[CA]] / [[NZ]] / [[GB]] / [[DZ]] / [[AT]] / [[BE]] / [[HR]] / [[CZ]] / [[DK]] / [[ET]] / [[FI]] / [[FR]] / [[DE]] / [[GR]] / [[HU]] / [[IN]] / [[IL]] / [[IT]] / [[JP]] / [[JO]] / [[KR]] / [[MK]] / [[NL]] / [[NO]] / [[PK]] / [[PL]] / [[RO]] / [[SA]] / [[SG]] / [[ES]] / [[SE]] / [[TW]] / [[TH]] / [[TN]] / [[TR]] / [[AE]]
|20140618||firstlook.org||[https://firstlook.org/theintercept/article/2014/06/18/nsa-surveillance-secret-cable-partners-revealed-rampart-a/ How Secret Partners Expand NSA’s Surveillance Dragnet]||[[NSA]] / [[RAMPART-A]] / [[US]] / [[CA]] / [[NZ]] / [[GB]] / [[DZ]] / [[AT]] / [[BE]] / [[HR]] / [[CZ]] / [[DK]] / [[ET]] / [[FI]] / [[FR]] / [[DE]] / [[GR]] / [[HU]] / [[IN]] / [[IL]] / [[IT]] / [[JP]] / [[JO]] / [[KR]] / [[MK]] / [[NL]] / [[NO]] / [[PK]] / [[PL]] / [[RO]] / [[SA]] / [[SG]] / [[ES]] / [[SE]] / [[TW]] / [[TH]] / [[TN]] / [[TR]] / [[AE]]
|20140606||theguardian.com||[http://www.theguardian.com/business/2014/jun/06/vodafone-reveals-secret-wires-allowing-state-surveillance Vodafone reveals existence of secret wires that allow state surveillance: Wires allow agencies to listen to or record live conversations, in what privacy campaigners are calling a 'nightmare scenario']||[[VODAFONE]] / [[AL]] / [[AU]] / [[BE]] / [[CZ]] / [[CG]] / [[EG]] / [[FJ]] / [[FR]] / [[DE]] / [[GH]] / [[GR]] / [[HU]] / [[IN]] / [[IE]] / [[IT]] / [[KE]] / [[LS]] / [[MT]] / [[MZ]] / [[NL]] / [[NZ]] / [[PT]] / [[QA]] / [[RO]] / [[ZA]] / [[ES]] / [[TZ]] / [[TR]] / [[GB]]
|20140217||citizenlab.org||[https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/mapping-hacking-teams-untraceable-spyware/ Mapping Hacking Team’s “Untraceable” Spyware]||[[HACKINGTEAM]] / [[AZ]] / [[CO]] / [[EG]] / [[ET]] / [[HU]] / [[IT]] / [[KZ]] / [[KR]] / [[MY]] / [[MX]] / [[MA]] / [[NG]] / [[OM]] / [[PA]] / [[PL]] / [[SA]] / [[SD]] / [[TH]] / [[TR]] / [[AE]] / [[UZ]]
== 2013 ==
|20131219||rt.com||[http://rt.com/news/denmark-nsa-signit-partner-516/ Eyes everywhere: NSA's second tier spying partners identified]||[[NSA]] / [[DK]] / [[SE]] / [[NO]] / [[BE]] / [[FR]] / [[DE]] / [[IT]] / [[NL]] / [[ES]]
|20131101||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/spaeh-enthuellungen-europaeische-geheimdienste-sollen-kooperiert-haben-a-931375.html Neue Späh-Enthüllungen: Europäische Geheimdienste sollen kooperiert haben]||[[DE]] / [[GCHQ]] / [[GB]] / [[FR]] / [[ES]] / [[IT]]
|20131029||rt.com||[http://rt.com/usa/nsa-alexander-europe-false-928/ NSA chief calls reports about spying in France, Spain and Italy 'completely false']||[[NSA]] / [[FR]] / [[ES]] / [[IT]]
|20131028||rt.com||[http://rt.com/news/nsa-italy-phone-monitoring-854/ NSA tracked 46mln Italian phone calls - report]||[[IT]] / [[NSA]]
|20131025||theguardian.com||[http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/oct/25/nsa-surveillance-more-revelations-spying-eu NSA surveillance: more revelations as EU leaders meet in Brussels - Italian magazine reports allegedly vast scale of US and British spying, and Le Monde publishes another NSA document]||[[EU]] / [[NSA]] / [[IT]] / [[SEA-ME-WE-3]] / [[SEA-ME-WE-4]] / [[FLAG]]
|20131025||tagesschau.de||[http://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/geheimdienst-kooperation100.html Abkommen mit USA und anderen Geheimdiensten - Frankreichs Geheimvertrag mit "Five Eyes"]||[[FIFE EYES]] / [[LUSTRE]] / [[FR]] / [[IL]] / [[SE]] / [[IT]]
|20131024||espresso.repubblica.it||[http://espresso.repubblica.it/internazionale/2013/10/24/news/cosi-ci-spiano-stati-uniti-e-gran-bretagna-1.138890 ANTICIPAZIONE - Datagate, così ci spiano Stati Uniti e Gran Bretagna]||[[NSA]] / [[IT]]
|20131024||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/handy-affaere-italiens-regierung-wurde-offenbar-ausgespaeht-a-929860.html Snowden-Enthüllung: Auch Italiens Regierung wurde offenbar ausgespäht]||[[NSA]] / [[IT]]
|20131023||rt.com||[http://rt.com/news/nsa-italy-spying-revelations-561/ NSA's Italy op exposed: ‘Millions’ of private communications intercepted with govt awareness]||[[NSA]] / [[IT]]
|20131023||rt.com||[http://rt.com/news/nsa-italy-spying-revelations-561/ NSA's Italy op exposed: ‘Millions’ of private communications intercepted with govt awareness]||[[NSA]] / [[IT]]
Line 105: Line 177:
|20130312||pcworld.com||[http://www.pcworld.com/article/2030602/reporters-without-borders-slams-five-nations-for-spying-on-media-activists.html Reporters Without Borders slams five nations for spying on media, activists]||[[GAMMA]] / [[TROVICOR]] / [[HACKINGTEAM]] / [[AMESYS]] / [[BLUECOAT]] / [[US]] / [[GB]] / [[DE]] / [[FR]] / [[IT]]
|20130312||pcworld.com||[http://www.pcworld.com/article/2030602/reporters-without-borders-slams-five-nations-for-spying-on-media-activists.html Reporters Without Borders slams five nations for spying on media, activists]||[[GAMMA]] / [[TROVICOR]] / [[HACKINGTEAM]] / [[AMESYS]] / [[BLUECOAT]] / [[US]] / [[GB]] / [[DE]] / [[FR]] / [[IT]]
== 2011 ==
|08.12.2011||espresso.repubblica.it||[http://espresso.repubblica.it/dettaglio/cosi-il-potere-spia-nel-tuo-pc/2168193 Così il potere spia nel tuo pc]||[[FINFISHER]]
|08.12.2011||espresso.repubblica.it||[http://espresso.repubblica.it/dettaglio/cosi-il-potere-spia-nel-tuo-pc/2168193 Così il potere spia nel tuo pc]||[[FINFISHER]]
Line 119: Line 199:
|01.09.2011||Guardian||[http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/sep/01/berlusconi-vows-leave-shitty-italy Berlusconi vows to leave 'shitty' Italy in conversation recorded by police: Transcripts from blackmail investigation reveal the Italian prime minister's frustration with his country]||[[IT]] Phonetap
|01.09.2011||Guardian||[http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/sep/01/berlusconi-vows-leave-shitty-italy Berlusconi vows to leave 'shitty' Italy in conversation recorded by police: Transcripts from blackmail investigation reveal the Italian prime minister's frustration with his country]||[[IT]] Phonetap
== 2010 ==
|12.06.2010||Guardian||[http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/jun/12/italy-media-gagging-law-wiretaps-silvio-berlusconi Italian media protests over Silvio Berlusconi 'gagging law' - Italian newspapers and opposition politicians protested today after the senate approved a bill limiting police wiretaps and punishing journalists who publish leaked transcripts.]||[[IT]]
|12.06.2010||Guardian||[http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/jun/12/italy-media-gagging-law-wiretaps-silvio-berlusconi Italian media protests over Silvio Berlusconi 'gagging law' - Italian newspapers and opposition politicians protested today after the senate approved a bill limiting police wiretaps and punishing journalists who publish leaked transcripts.]||[[IT]]
== 2009 ==
|16.02.2009||The Register||[http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/02/16/italian_crooks_skype/ Italian crooks use Skype to frustrate wiretaps]||[[IT]] [[SKYPE]]
|16.02.2009||The Register||[http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/02/16/italian_crooks_skype/ Italian crooks use Skype to frustrate wiretaps]||[[IT]] [[SKYPE]]
== 2007 ==
|20070429||nytimes.com||[http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/29/technology/29cnd-encrypt.html?_r=0 Phone Taps in Italy Spur Rush Toward Encryption]||[[IT]]
== 2006 ==
|16.08.2006||news.ncmonline.com||[http://news.ncmonline.com/news/view_article.html?article_id=d54bf5a301e73cbba0663d69a33d80c0 Security Experts' 'Suicides' Called Into Question -- European Media Probe Dangers of Secret Surveillance Systems]||[[IT]] SOCALLEDSUICIDE
|16.08.2006||news.ncmonline.com||[http://news.ncmonline.com/news/view_article.html?article_id=d54bf5a301e73cbba0663d69a33d80c0 Security Experts' 'Suicides' Called Into Question -- European Media Probe Dangers of Secret Surveillance Systems]||[[IT]] SOCALLEDSUICIDE

Latest revision as of 16:26, 2 April 2018


Intel Environment

Military Alliance NATO
Interior Intelligence Services Agenzia Informazioni e Sicurezza Interna (AISI): "Agency for Internal Information and Security" (domestic intelligence agency), Guardia di Finanza
Exterior Intelligence Services Agenzia Informazioni e Sicurezza Esterna (AISE): "Agency for External Information and Security" (external intelligence agency)
Military Intelligence Services Centro Intelligence Interforze (CII) : "Center for Interforce Intelligence" (Military Intelligence).

Telco/Carrier/ISP Environment

Type Name Ownership Main Office URL Notes
3G 2100 H3G
GSM 900/1800 Telecom Italia SpA (TIM)  
3G 2100 Telecom Italia SpA (TIM)    
3G 2100 Vodafone Omnitel N.V. (Vodafone)
GSM 900/1800 Vodafone Omnitel N.V. (vodafone)    
3G 2100 Wind Telecomunicazioni SpA
GSM 900/1800 Wind Telecomunicazioni SpA  

Transnational Cables and Connections

Type Name Ownership Connecting Point Connection Points URL/Notes
480 Gbits/s SEA-ME-WE-3 Norden (DE) / Oostende (BE) / Goonhilly (GB) / Penmarch (FR) / Sesimbra (PT) / Tetuan (MA) / Mazara del Vallo (IT) / Chania (GR) / Marmaris (TR) / Yeroskipou (CY) / Alexandria (EG) / Suez (EG) / Jeddah (SA) / Djibouti (DJ) / Muscat (OM) / Fujairah (AE) / Karachi (PK) / Mumbai (IN) / Cochin (IN) / Mount Lavinia (LK) / Pyapon (MM) / Satun (TH) / Penang, (MY) (Where it meets the SAFE and the FLAG cables.) / Medan (IN) / Tuas (SG) / Jakarta (IN) / Perth (AU) / Mersing (MY) / Tungku (BN) / Da Nang (VN) / Batangas (PH) / Taipa (MO) / Deep Water Bay (HK) / Shantou (CN) / Fangshan (TW) / Toucheng (TW) / Shanghai (CN) / Keoje (KR) / Okinawa, (JP) WP

SIGINT/COMINT Stations and Operators

Name Location Operator Capabilities
  San Vito Joint NSA-CIA site.
Sorico -

Privacy Related Legislation

LI Legislation


Vendor Appearance

Articles / Events / Situations


Date Source Title Tags
20180328 qz.com Mapped: The breathtaking global reach of Cambridge Analytica’s parent company CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA / US / GB / AR / CO / GY / UY / TT / GD / VC / LC / KN / AG / CY / NG / GA / KY / ZM / ZA / LV / LT / UA / RO / IT / MD / AL / IN / PK / NP / TH / ID / PH / MU
20180301 theintercept.com The Powerful Global Spy Alliance You Never Knew Existed NSA / FIFE EYES / US / GB / AU / NZ / CA / BE / DK / FR / DE / IT / NL / NO / ES / SE / KR / SG / TH / IN


Date Source Title Tags
20160222 theintercept.com WikiLeaks: NSA Spied on Israel’s Attempts to Repair Relations With U.S. NSA / IL / IT / DE / UN / CH


Date Source Title Tags
20150710 wikileaks.org HACKINGTEAM: /etc/LISTA.txt HACKINGTEAM / US / NL / BY / MY / TR / SA / KW / IN / ID / AE / GR / SG / CZ / IT / DE / FR / NO / RS / CY / LT / ZA / HU / PL / DK / NZ / ZW / SI / KR / VA / CH / ES / CA / MT / UY / VN / BG / KZ / MO / HR / GT / QA / AT / SB / JP / RO / NA / FI / SE / RU / BN / LB / GH


Date Source Title Tags
20141010 repubblica.it Nuove rivelazioni "top secret" sulle attività della Nsa - Dai file di Edward Snowden spunta una terza infrastruttura di Telecom Italia Sparkle intercettata dalla National Security Agency americana IT / NSA
20140926 spiegel.de System Treasuremap: NSA zapft offenbar Provider in 13 weiteren Ländern an TREASUREMAP / STELLAR / CETEL / IABG / NL / BE / SE / GB / IT / TR / CY / HK / SG / MY / KW / PK / US
20140915 wikileaks.org FinFisher - Customers FINFISHER / GAMMA / COBHAM / DYPLEX COMMUNICATIONS / ELAMAN / TROVICOR / SK / MN / QA / ZA / BH / PK / EE / VN / AU / BE / NG / NL / SG / BD / HU / IT / BA
20140619 rt.com NSA uses 33 countries to intercept web traffic – Snowden Files NSA / RAMPART-A / US / CA / NZ / GB / DZ / AT / BE / HR / CZ / DK / ET / FI / FR / DE / GR / HU / IN / IL / IT / JP / JO / KR / MK / NL / NO / PK / PL / RO / SA / SG / ES / SE / TW / TH / TN / TR / AE
20140618 firstlook.org How Secret Partners Expand NSA’s Surveillance Dragnet NSA / RAMPART-A / US / CA / NZ / GB / DZ / AT / BE / HR / CZ / DK / ET / FI / FR / DE / GR / HU / IN / IL / IT / JP / JO / KR / MK / NL / NO / PK / PL / RO / SA / SG / ES / SE / TW / TH / TN / TR / AE
20140606 theguardian.com Vodafone reveals existence of secret wires that allow state surveillance: Wires allow agencies to listen to or record live conversations, in what privacy campaigners are calling a 'nightmare scenario' VODAFONE / AL / AU / BE / CZ / CG / EG / FJ / FR / DE / GH / GR / HU / IN / IE / IT / KE / LS / MT / MZ / NL / NZ / PT / QA / RO / ZA / ES / TZ / TR / GB
20140217 citizenlab.org Mapping Hacking Team’s “Untraceable” Spyware HACKINGTEAM / AZ / CO / EG / ET / HU / IT / KZ / KR / MY / MX / MA / NG / OM / PA / PL / SA / SD / TH / TR / AE / UZ


Date Source Title Tags
20131219 rt.com Eyes everywhere: NSA's second tier spying partners identified NSA / DK / SE / NO / BE / FR / DE / IT / NL / ES
20131101 spiegel.de Neue Späh-Enthüllungen: Europäische Geheimdienste sollen kooperiert haben DE / GCHQ / GB / FR / ES / IT
20131029 rt.com NSA chief calls reports about spying in France, Spain and Italy 'completely false' NSA / FR / ES / IT
20131028 rt.com NSA tracked 46mln Italian phone calls - report IT / NSA
20131025 theguardian.com NSA surveillance: more revelations as EU leaders meet in Brussels - Italian magazine reports allegedly vast scale of US and British spying, and Le Monde publishes another NSA document EU / NSA / IT / SEA-ME-WE-3 / SEA-ME-WE-4 / FLAG
20131025 tagesschau.de Abkommen mit USA und anderen Geheimdiensten - Frankreichs Geheimvertrag mit "Five Eyes" FIFE EYES / LUSTRE / FR / IL / SE / IT
20131024 espresso.repubblica.it ANTICIPAZIONE - Datagate, così ci spiano Stati Uniti e Gran Bretagna NSA / IT
20131024 spiegel.de Snowden-Enthüllung: Auch Italiens Regierung wurde offenbar ausgespäht NSA / IT
20131023 rt.com NSA's Italy op exposed: ‘Millions’ of private communications intercepted with govt awareness NSA / IT
20131022 italianinsider.it COPASIR probes "US spying on Italy" NSA / IT
20130904 wikileaks.org VERINT: Avner Turniansky VERINT / TURNIANSKY, AVNER / IL / IT / US / ES / NG / CH / GR / TR
20130904 wikileaks.org TELESOFT: Ray Hutton TELESOFT / HUTTON, RAY / GB / ES / AE / IT
20130904 wikileaks.org HACKINGTEAM: Mostapaha Maana HACKINGTEAM / MAANA, MOSTAPHA / IT / CH / US / MA / MY / SG / LB / NL / FR / EG / AE / TR / DE / SA / QA / SD / CZ / OM
20130904 wikileaks.org HACKINGTEAM: Marco Bettini HACKINGTEAM / BETTINI, MARCO / IT / FR / MA / AE / SG / DE / RS / ES / MX / CZ / PT / BR
20130904 wikileaks.org GAMMA: Louthean Nelson GAMMA / NELSON, LOUTHEAN JOHN ALEXANDER / LB / DE / AE / LV / CH / ID / IT / MY / SG / GB / AT / RS / TR / CI / BJ / ZA
20130904 wikileaks.org COBHAM: David Ast COBHAM / AST, DAVID / DE / CZ / DK / CH / FR / AT / IT
20130802 cryptome.org NSA X-KEYSCORE Server Sites XKEYSCORE / US / MX / HN / CR / PA / VE / CO / EC / BR / GB / FR / DE / AT / IT / ES / PL / BY / RU / RO / GR / CZ / DZ / MA / EG / SD / SO / CM / NA / ZW / SA / TR / IQ / KW / BH / QA / AE / UZ / KG / AF / PK / IN / JP / CN / PH / MM / TH / KH / MY / AU / NZ
20130701 spiegel.de US-Abhördienst: NSA spähte weitere europäische Botschaften aus NSA / EU / FR / IT / GR / JP / MX / KR / IN / TR
20130630 guardian.co.uk New NSA leaks show how US is bugging its European allies - Exclusive: Edward Snowden papers reveal 38 targets including EU, France and Italy NSA / DROPMIRE / EU / FR / IT / GR / JP / MX / KR / IN / TR / PERDIDO / BLACKFOOT / WABASH / BRUNEAU / HEMLOCK / POWELL / KLONDYKE
20130629 privacysurgeon.org Former NSA contractor warns of “murky” interception arrangements NSA / DE / FI / GB / DK / NL / FR / ES / IT / US / CA / AU / NZ / ECHELON / BND / CESID / OPERATION DELIKATESSE / TR / MIT
20130425 securelist.com Spyware. HackingTeam HACKINGTEAM / MX / IT / VN / AE / IQ / LB / MA / PA / TJ / IN / IR / SA / KR / ES / PL / TR / AR / CA / ML / OM / CN / US / KZ / EG / UA / UZ / CO / TW / BR / RU / KG / GB / BH / ET / ID / DE / LY
20130312 pcworld.com Reporters Without Borders slams five nations for spying on media, activists GAMMA / TROVICOR / HACKINGTEAM / AMESYS / BLUECOAT / US / GB / DE / FR / IT


Date Source Title Tags
08.12.2011 espresso.repubblica.it Così il potere spia nel tuo pc FINFISHER
02.12.2011 espresso.repubblica.it Grande Fratello holding
01.12.2011 espresso.repubblica.it Wikileaks: siamo tutti spiati
12.10.2011 archivostorico.corriere.it Bisignani, file segreti nel pc In Rete durante gli arresti / English Version with Google Translate IT Trojans [Luigi Bisignani] P4
06.08.2011 pinobruno.it Il trojan Querela che ha fregato Bisignani / English Version with Google Translate IT Trojans
17.09.2011 Spiegel Neue Vorwürfe gegen Berlusconi: Hostessen im Regierungsflieger? IT Interception Law
01.09.2011 Guardian Berlusconi vows to leave 'shitty' Italy in conversation recorded by police: Transcripts from blackmail investigation reveal the Italian prime minister's frustration with his country IT Phonetap


Date Source Title Tags
12.06.2010 Guardian Italian media protests over Silvio Berlusconi 'gagging law' - Italian newspapers and opposition politicians protested today after the senate approved a bill limiting police wiretaps and punishing journalists who publish leaked transcripts. IT


Date Source Title Tags
16.02.2009 The Register Italian crooks use Skype to frustrate wiretaps IT SKYPE


Date Source Title Tags
20070429 nytimes.com Phone Taps in Italy Spur Rush Toward Encryption IT


Date Source Title Tags
16.08.2006 news.ncmonline.com Security Experts' 'Suicides' Called Into Question -- European Media Probe Dangers of Secret Surveillance Systems IT SOCALLEDSUICIDE
31.08.2006 Spiegel Online 100.000 Seiten Dossier: Abhörskandal in Italien: Was wissen die Behörden? IT interception sigint
31.08.2006 Telepolis Abhörskandal in Italien: Was wissen die Behörden? IT
21.09.2006 Spiegel Online Abhörskandal in Italien: Der ganz, ganz große Lauschangriff IT
21.09.2006 Hamburger Abendblatt Abhörskandal erschüttert Italien IT
21.09.2006 focus.msn.de Italien : 20 Festnahmen in Abhörskandal IT
21.09.2006 Süddeutsche Zeitung Schwerer Anschlag auf die Demokratie: Abhör-Affäre erschüttert Italien IT
21.09.2006 Spiegel Italien: Kriminelles Netzwerk hört Tausende Prominente ab IT
22.09.2006 bbc Italy blocks phone tapping leaks IT
23.09.2006 Spiegel Online Italien: Telecom-Affäre setzt Regierung unter Druck IT
23.09.2006 welt.de Italien: Abhör-Skandal erschüttert das Land IT
02.10.2006 Spiegel Online Abhör-Affäre: Inter Mailand schwer belastet IT
04.10.2006 Spiegel Online Italien-Skandal: Lauschangriff gegen Starstürmer IT
22.08.2006 bradblog.com The Men Who Knew Too Much? NSA Wiretapping Whistleblowers Found Dead in Italy and Greece GR / TSALIKIDIS, COSTAS / IT / BOVE, ADAMO